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Cannabis legalization

Dissertation : Cannabis legalization. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Septembre 2021  •  Dissertation  •  1 064 Mots (5 Pages)  •  424 Vues

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                                          Cannabis legalization

Introduction :

The cannabis is a plant which cames from Central Asia. Before being a drug, it is a plant which is modified by human actions to give a white substance. This is this substance which is responsible for the psychoactive effects on the human. Indeed, taking this drug affects brain cells and create a real addiction for the consumer.
There are a lot of side effect like tiredness, mood changing, memory impairment, hallucination... . You can use cannabis by different way : by smoking , by eating  with a space cake for example, by drinking or by inhaling.  
The statut of the cannabis differs by country. Indeed, some countries consider it as a substance to much harmul for the human and forbid it, whereas other consider it like tobacco and allow it consumption and it sale.
But what is the differences beetwin the different statuts of the cannabis ?  Whats about the situation in France ? That it what we gonna talk about.

I) Differences beetwin legalization / descriminalisation / liberalisation.

As we said, cannabis legislation varies from country to country. From the strictest to the most lax, countries have the choice of adapting law which are alternatives to prohibition

Firstly, there is the descriminalisation of the cannabis. The aim is to decriminalize the simple use and possession of small quantities of drug, while penalizing sale and production. This kind of legislation is criticized because it promotes the consuption. Respecting the UN conventions, it is particularly appled in Netherland or in Spain. Some other countries desciminalize the cannabis for a medical using, like the Liban.

Then, there is the legalization of the cannabis. The aim is to allow consuption and sale with state contrôle of production or even production. The supporters of the legalization argue that it allows to set up taxes, standards and regulations for example, to impose a minimum age as for alcohol. So, this solution could limits drug traffic because the state will control the quantities of production, and could also protect the life of minors. This legislation is adopted by many countru of America, like Canada or some states of the USA.

At last, there is the liberalisation of the cannabis, which consists of removing all legal constraints on these products to respect the the fundamental rights of individuals. There is no country which adopt this legislation

2) Situation in France en comparaison wirh netherland

In France, the legislation is quite restrictive. Indeed, the consumption, possession and sale are prohibited. The simple use can lead to up to one year of imprisonment and a fine of 3 thousand seven hundred and fivty euros. Statistically, there are 4 million consumer of cannabis in France. So, we can ask if there is really a link beetwin the legislation and the consumption of the cannabis in a country.

If we observe the case of Netherland, the consumption is allowed with some restrictions like the prohibition to consume with minor people. But this laxity doesnt mean that the consumption will be more important. If we compare the numbers, there are 32% of consummer in France, against 25% in Netherland. Furthemore, the statistic are not really reavelling. Indeed, because of the lax legislation, there is a cannabis tourism which attracted a lot of person who want to take advantage of this laxity in Netherland. Indeed, the coffee shop are very famous in this country and is the excellent place to consume drugs. And despite this tourism, the pourcentage of consuption stay below those in France. So, we can conclute that prohibition doesnt mean a lower consuption. Indeed, despite the fact that France is the more restrictive country about the cannabis legislation, she is the biggest consumer in Europe.

Recently, The legislators intented to find alternatives more conciliatory with the consumer. Indeed, in 2019, the law allow to pay a fine to escape a penality in case of a simple use.  
This lead us to ask if France should be less restrictive about the cannabis legislation. (advantages ?)


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