Turkish Tourism
Mémoire : Turkish Tourism. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Marouane Ola • 20 Novembre 2019 • Mémoire • 11 911 Mots (48 Pages) • 524 Vues
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The Higher International Institute of Tourism of Tangier
Option: Hospitality and Catering Executive Management
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The Turkish Tourism via its Gastronomy
What plans should the Turkish government consider in order to promote the tourism industry using the Gastronomic Tourism?
Dissertation Paper to obtain the bachelor's degree
Option: Hospitality and Catering Executive Management
Promotion: 2016/2019
Made by:
Marouane Ouled Lamalem Ali (MOHR3C)
Supervised by:
Year: 2018-2019
The Higher International Institute of Tourism of Tangier
Option: Hospitality and Catering Executive Management
[pic 4]
The Turkish Tourism via its Gastronomy
What plans should the Turkish government consider in order to promote the tourism industry using the Gastronomic Tourism?
Dissertation Paper to obtain the bachelor's degree
Option: Hospitality and Catering Executive Management
Promotion: 2016/2019
Made by:
Marouane Ouled Lamalem Ali (MOHR3C)
Supervised by:
Year: 2018-2019
I would sincerely dedicate this dissertation paper to my beloved mother, the one who always stood by my side through the hardest and softest of times, I would also honorably mention the efforts my dear father has put to help me achieve every stage of my life, I wouldn’t forget all the love and patience my parents and family proved to me.
At the mean time, I shall mention those who were there for me away from my parents, my friends who I consider them to be my brothers and sisters and more than that.
First of all, I want to thank the good lord for guiding my steps in the right direction.
Secondly, I would like to give thank to my Supervisor and English Teacher Mr.Talibi for all the efforts he had put in to make out of this Dissertation paper a success.
At the same time, I give thanks to the Director of the International Institute of Tourism of Tangier, Mr.Afquir Adnan as well as the entire faculty and administrative staff for the outcome of their noble task.
Finally, I would also like to thank all those who helped me directly or indirectly for the success and the implementation of this report.
List of figures
Figure1: Encouragement Law of 1982......................................................................13
Figure2. Different levels of private sector Engagement in PPP contracts.................14
Figure3. Tourism development in Turkey (1982-2007) .............................................15
Figure4. The Organizational Chart of implementation of the vision 2023..................17
Figure 5. Distribution of visitors arriving in turkey.......................................................19
Figure 6. Distribution of arriving citizens Residing Abroad in turkey..........................20
Figure 7. Distribution of arriving foreign visitors in turkey...........................................21
Figure 8. Distribution of arriving foreign visitors- Top 5 Countries in Turkey.............22
Figure 9. Average tourist expenses in Turkey from 2001 to 2018..............................46
Figure 10. Average tourist Visitors in Turkey from 2001 to 2018...............................47
List of Tables
Table 1: The kitchen implements...............................................................................27
Table 2: Hatay...........................................................................................................37
Table3. The place of gastronomy tourism in international tourism developments...52
Table4. The Place of Gastronomy Tourism Incomes in International Tourism Incomes....................................................................................................................53
Table5. The Place of National (Turkey) Tourism Movements in International Tourism developments............................................................................................................55
Table6. The Place of Turkey Tourism Incomes in International Tourism Incomes.....................................................................................................................56
List of figures..........................................................................................6
List of tables............................................................................................7
General Introduction……………………………………………………….9
PART ONE: Tourism in Turkey……………………………………........10
1. History of Turkish Tourism……………………………………………….11
2. The Development of Turkish Tourism…………………………………..14