Anglais: Le gouvernement devrait-il aider les étudiants britanniques à financer leurs études?
Compte Rendu : Anglais: Le gouvernement devrait-il aider les étudiants britanniques à financer leurs études?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 26 Mars 2014 • 807 Mots (4 Pages) • 891 Vues
Mister Michael GOVE
25th March, 2014
Should the government help British students to finance their studies ?
Dear Sir (Secretary of State at the education),
These last years, your educational reforms have made numerous upheavals, what led to the anger of our citizens. At the origin of this climate, your decisions in the financing and the functioning of the education played a major role. Furthermore, the trebling of the registration fees put numerous students in the street at the beginning of the School year 2012. Your reforms have created many questions, that’s why we have to make it better. But it is my duty as councilor to express to you my opinion and my proposals to improve the situation in a significant way.
First of all, it is necessary for us to understand for what reasons the students and the teachers are in the street to demonstrate against our program ?
It is true that we could close our eyes and apply our reforms only for the conservatives who voted for us. But I know, Mister Gove, that you want to make all the English citizens contented and not a small majority which has elected us. I have thought about various ideas to propose to the parliament for a Public Act.
Indeed, your first decision to help the students financially with a scholarship of 3000 pound, was a good idea to answer to the crisis. However, we have to go farther. The number of upper students is not sufficient and mainly results from private schools and not of our public schools. Furthermore, our students are seen like lazybones spending their time in the bar by a part of the population. We have to change this stereotype and lead a financing campaign to our students who represent the future of our country. Besides, for a better equality of everything, all the students could receive a scholarship and the best students would get a better scholarship which would be based on their marks.
Finally I suggest you taking note of this spreadsheet and seeing that it is still necessary for us to improve the financing of education. So we could be able to propose a solid Public Act.
Please accept my sincere greetings.
Yours faithfully
(370 Words without the spreadsheet)
Distribution of the budget of the higher education
2011-12 % Total funding
Public subsidies 8.270.989 29.6 %
Among which financing for the education 5.366.385 19.2 %
Among which financing for the search 1.930.074 6.9 %