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Lettre de motivation en anglais

Lettre type : Lettre de motivation en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Décembre 2022  •  Lettre type  •  256 Mots (2 Pages)  •  253 Vues

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Nom et Prénom,

Adresse, Code postal et Pays,

+33* 6 ou 7. Numéro de téléphone

Bubble T

Unit 1 Broadbent Close,

20-22 Highgate High Street,

London, N6 5JW, United Kingdom

November 28th, 2022

Object: Request for an internship.


Dear Sir, Dear Madam,

I would be thrilled to complete an internship in your company over a period of [...] from (date), because it would be an essential step to enter professional life.

The few different employments I had during the past 2 years allowed me to discover and develop diverse skills such as:

- A strong will to succeed the tasks entrusted to me, add to this my curiosity which pushes me not to dwell on a failure, I’ll always try to understand what I did wrong to get better.

- My responsibility and my attendance which has always been underlined.

- My interpersonal skills, which I never doubted, I rarely struggle to talk with people even when we can’t understand each other. I will try my best to explain my point of view.

It would be really amazing for me to join such a quality company as yours and I can assure you that I will be equal to the tasks I will be given thanks to my experience and my determination.

Please find my CV attached for further details.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully.

Nom Prénom

Enclosure: CV

* +33 est l’équivalent du 0 dans 06 ou 07 au début des numéros de téléphone ; il est donc accompagné soit d’un 6, soit d’un 7, puis de votre numéro, exemple : +33 7 68 15 68 42


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