Lettre de motivation LLCER anglais dissertations et mémoires
7 842 Lettre de motivation LLCER anglais dissertations gratuites 1 - 25 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Lettre motivation en anglais
Andy PERSAUD 102 Avenue Paul Berthelot 97360 MANA Tel : 0694 00 15 69 andypersaud2002@hotmail.fr 7 June,2017 Dear Sir, The position of Electrical Technician advertised in today’s France-Guyane is exactly the kind of opportunity I have been waiting for. After getting my DUT Electrical Engineering and Industrial IT degree at the University of Kourou in June 2016, I was a trainee at Electricity de France Company from September 2016 to March 2017. Since then I
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Lettre motivation en anglais
COVER LETTER Dear Madam, dear Sir Currently in the third year of a Master’s degree in SCHOOL (Telecommunication and Network engineering school), I have to complete a three-month internship, from DATES, whose theme is « Marketing & Communication ». The main objectives of this internship are to study, understand and analyse the company’s marketing and the communication strategy. Since my integration to SCHOOL, I have acquired various competences in marketing & communication. I have attended
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Lettre motivation hôttelerie anglais
Dear Sir/Madam, Actually I am in highschool in Poligny (Hyacinthe Friant) and I prepare a diploma in hotel buisness and catering. I propose my application because I want to improve my English. For a long time, I have hoped to work in another country. I will be proud to work in your organization to improve my technicaly abilyties. such an experience could also increase my cultural knowledge. To go to anyother country is very important
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Lettre motivation euro anglais
JACQUES Maëlle 19 avenue Jean Zay 63430, Pont-du-Château tel : 0659551148 maellejacquess@yahoo.com A Pont-du-Château, le 22 juin 2021 Objet de la demande : classe d’euro-anglais 1ère Madame, Monsieur, Je vous écris afin de porter ma candidature pour une 1ère STMG avec la section Euro-Anglais disponible dans le lycée Sidoine Apollinaire. Je suis convaincue que l'anglais est une langue indispensable au monde du travail et aussi de la vie de tous les jours car elle est
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Lettre De Motivation En Anglais
Christophe Baudoin (student in international trade) 25 rue des cerises 66000 Perpignan France 16th October 2012 Manager of Human Ressources Air Cargo International 23 Michigan ave Chicago, Illinois USA Subj.: Application for an internship Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to enquire into the possibility of carrying out a 8-week work placement in your company. I am a first year student in a 2 year post A-level course in International Trade. We study International Trade Operations,
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Nom Prenom L’adresse/tel/@ November 14, 2012 Rich Products Inc. Bakery Division New York-Buffalo, USA RE: applying for work experience Ref: CBA/J3I02T Dear Sir, For my diploma, it is essential to have work experience in American firm. I am hoping to work for an international firm and would be particularly pleased to have some training in your firm which keeps developing. I am following a Master in Bank and Finance, a four months experience period is
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Lettre Motivation Anglais
Lettre motivation anglais Monsieur,Dear Sir,Formel, destinataire de sexe masculin, nom inconnu Madame,Dear Madam,Formel, destinataire de sexe féminin, nom inconnu Madame, Monsieur,Dear Sir / Madam,Formel, nom et sexe du destinataire inconnus Madame, Monsieur,Dear Sirs,Formel, s'adressant à plusieurs personnes inconnues ou à un département complet Aux principaux concernés,To whom it may concern,Formel, nom et sexe du ou des destinataires inconnus Monsieur Dupont,Dear Mr. Smith,Formel, destinataire de sexe masculin, nom connu Madame Dupont,Dear Mrs. Smith,Formel, destinataire de sexe
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Lettre De Motivation En Anglais
Prénom NOM Eléments en italique à compléter puis rétablir la n° adresse même écriture que le corps de la lettre CP VILLE Tél Mail SOCIÉTÉ Civilité Prénom NOM du responsable Fonction Adresse CP VILLE Objet : (votre ville), Demande de stage le BTS Assistant de Manager PJ : 1 curriculum vitae Titre, Titulaire d'un baccalauréat (préciser lequel), je suis actuellement étudiant(e) en 2ère année de Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Assistant de Manager au Lycée ......
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Lettre de motivation en anglais, BTS International
Object : Internship - Customer Relationship Assistant Manager, Import-Export, Client Prospecting. Dear Sir, I am currently first-year student of BTS International Trade in France. Within the framework of this formation, I have to do an internship in a foreign company with the aim of applying my theoretical skills in the field of the export sale (prospection and following customers). This intership must make me apprehend the various aspects of a prospection export. It could begin from
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Lettre Motivation Anglais
Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to enquire about the possibility of carrying out a work placement in your firm. As a student of BTS at Henry Bergson, I am required to work for four weeks as part of my course. I choose your organisation because it writes to me and I find it very nice because it looks like young and dynamic with new sales techniques. Work and acquire experiences in environments that
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Lettre De Motivation/cv Anglais
Butler greg 10 led Street Toulouse Cell : 08 09 11 24 19 E-mail : butlergregoire@free.com 20 May 2013 Accessorize's store Manager Paris Accessorize's store 88 Dewnarain Street Paris 15 Dear Ms. Machet de la Martinière , I am a young worker of 20 years, my name is Valentin Roux , I am really interested for the job Shop assistant in Accessorize's store. Your request was published in Le Parisien newspaper last week. It would
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Exemple de Lettre De Motivation En Anglais
Your address City, post code Date Name of recipient Job title Company name Company address City, post code (if you know the name of the person to whom you are writing) Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss name (if you do not know the person’s name) Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for the position of (job title) advertised in (where you saw the advertisement). (if you have little or no experience in this domain) I have been
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Lettre Motivation Anglais
/Users/NNA/Desktop/lm-anglais-candidature-stage-droit-1.png Or Your address City, post code Date Name of recipient Job title Company name Company address City, post code (if you know the name of the person to whom you are writing) Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss name (if you do not know the person’s name) Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for the position of (job title) advertised in (where you saw the advertisement). (if you have little or no experience in this domain) I
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Lettre de motivation en anglais
14, avenue La joie Babak Tel: 529 29 295 FRUITI-VEG 24th March 2014 9 Caro Kann , Babak To whom it may concern Dear Ms, Mr, I am interested in applying for the manager’s assistant position recently advertised in the newspaper. The knowledge that I acquire during my training and the different internship is a big advantages in the business sector and my passion for food pushed me to have interest to your company. With
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Lettre Motivation Anglais
Dear Ms Martinez, I am writing to apply for your advertisement for volunteers needed for elephant orphanage in Sri Lanka. I am interested in working at zoo in Sri Lanka because it could be a good experience for me. I am from France and I currently work at a zoo in Paris. Before that, I was working at a pet shop for six years where I fed, cleaned, took care of each animal and helped
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Lettre de motivation en anglais
Dear Sir, Dear Ma’am, I am currently in my first year of a two-year technical degree in International Trade. This training consists in to achieving studies and sales monitoring, thus management of overseas operations. As part of my training, I have the opportunity to undertake an internship abroad for a period of eight weeks starting on the eleventh of May 2015, with the aim of carrying out client acquisition, and that is why, I am
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Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of accounting in your company. Please find attached a copy of my CV. My previous experience includes two years as an accounting in a business company. This has given me experience of dealing with the customers and suppliers, and working in a team. I had good communication skill and am a dependable person. I am an enthusiastic worker, and enjoy the challenges. I
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Phrases Utiles Dans Une Lettre De Motivation En Anglais
Applying for work experience / internship (postuler pour un stage) a six-month (month ne prend pas de "s" dans ce cas de figure) UNPAID work experience period : stage de six mois For my diploma, it is important/essential to have work experience in a British/American firm C'est important pour mon diplôme d'effectuer un stage dans une société Anglaise/Américaine I am hoping to work for a small/big/international/British firm and would be particulary pleased to have some
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Exemple de lettre de motivation en anglais
LENG Marcus Student KIABI 4, Allotment of Bologne ZAC of Calebassier BASSE-TERRE 97100 Dear Mrs. The director, I am writing to apply for a position of a trainee. Currently, student in first year of BTS MUC of high school Gerville Réache in Basse-Terre, the trade sector is the field in which I want to evolve. And it’s to you that I have chosen to speak, because you correspond perfectly to my aspirations in seeking an
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Exemple de lettre de motivation en anglais.
1000 Path Cabriere 06250, Mougins France +33 (0)6 63 65 19 82 anthony.felix@hotmail.fr Human Resources Director : M. Pascal Sabrie Society HEINKEN 92500 Rueil Malmaison Marseille 2 Street of Martinets France 7 March 2016 Re: Internship application non-paid in food industry Dear Sir/Madam, Actually student on Avignon, I prepare a Higher national certificate agricultural ( food science and technology / specialties foods and food processing) to analyseschool Pétrarque. As part of an observation intership in
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Lettre de motivation en anglais.
Question 2: César Bourgois Mercury Staff 30 rue des Francs Bourgeois 003 Paris, France. Phone number : +33 6 25 85 15 91 cesarbourgois@hotmail.com October 15th, Dear Sir, I have read your Advertisement in the Guardian reference NO/DE 1603 and I think that your job assignment is just made for me. Let me explain why: I am 20 years old and I have recently acquired my diploma as BTS AG de PME-PMI as well as
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Exemple de lettre de motivation en anglais.
Dear Ms. Parker I’m curently study at Harvard university in London to obtain a restaurant owner’s degree. I saw your posting for student employement on the job search boards at school last week and I noticed your need for a waitress in the « Student Union Café » during late afternoons and evenings . With this cover letter, I’m introducing myself and asking for the chance to bid for that job. I was very excited
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Lettre de motivation en anglais.
Then I am going to begin first of all to present me, I am William Tollet, at present in first year in the ICN business School in the campus of Nancy. I am 18 years old, thus I never doubled, thanks to my former high school. I am young but I am determined to make evolved my English to be up to it and be able to communicate and discover, the experiences are for me,
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Lettre de motivation, en anglais.
Natasha Lawson 16 Peak Road Sheffield, S14 7NB Mobile: 3218966324 natlawson@gmail.com October 07, 2016 M. Clune (SEA25) Little Bear Publishing House PLC 7 West Lane, London W1 Dear M. Clune, I read today your advertisement in The Telegraph about the position of Senior Editorial Assistant and this is exactly the kind of job I search. I know that Little Bear are now specialist in children’s fiction, and that the company can translate these fictions into
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Lettre de Motivation en Anglais.
MY ADDRESS RECIPIENTS ADDRESS Dear Sir/Madam: This covering letter is written in English as the email I received and job description documents attached to it were all that language. Do let me know if you need me to rewrite it in French. I am writing to express my interest in the XXX position that is currently available in your company. I learned of the opening through XXX who met me because of the current position
681 Mots / 3 Pages