Rapport de stage en anglais
Rapport de stage : Rapport de stage en anglais. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 12 Avril 2012 • Rapport de stage • 507 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 635 Vues
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Thanks to my parents for giving me support and strength during my studies at the
University of Sheffield. Thanks to friends back home for providing support and
encouragement throughout my stay in Sheffield.
Thanks to Sam and Niraj for their timely and thoughtful suggestions. Thanks to Raj for
reading through the whole text of this dissertation and giving advice. Special thanks to
all users who helped me evaluate this project by providing constructive criticism.
Thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Gotoh whose advice and expertise have been of immense
value throughout the entire project.
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Introduction__________________________________________________________ 1
1.1 Speech technology and computer applications __________________________ 1
1.2 Challenges of using speech ___________________________________________ 1
1.3 Available game designs _____________________________________________ 1
1.4 Quiz game ________________________________________________________ 2
1.5 About JQuiz ______________________________________________________ 2
Literature Review _____________________________________________________ 3
2.1 Speech - Its effectiveness in man-machine communication____________________ 3
2.1.1 Problem solving __________________________________________________________ 3
2.1.2 Unconstrained movement ___________________________________________________ 3
2.1.3 Remote Access____________________________________________________________ 3
2.1.4 Minimal panel space _______________________________________________________ 4
2.2 Speech technology - How it works ________________________________________ 4
2.2.1 Speech recognition ________________________________________________________ 4
2.2.2 Speech synthesis __________________________________________________________ 5
2.3 Successful implementations of speech technology ___________________________ 6
2.3.1 Speech synthesis applications ________________________________________________ 6
2.3.2 Speech recognition applications ______________________________________________ 6
2.4 Drawbacks of speech technology _________________________________________ 6
2.4.1 Large vocabularies ________________________________________________________ 6
2.4.2 Variability in speech _______________________________________________________ 6
2.4.3 Invisibility _______________________________________________________________ 7
2.5 Summary of factors affecting speech-based applications _____________________ 7
2.6 Speech based interfaces_________________________________________________ 7
2.6.1 Characteristics of an interface _______________________________________________ 8
2.6.2 Limitations of speech as an interface __________________________________________ 8
2.7 Games with speech interfaces____________________________________________ 9
2.7.1 Microsoft Age of Empires (AOE) _____________________________________________ 9
2.7.2 Speech driven puzzle game __________________________________________________ 9
2.7.3 Voice controlled PacMan __________________________________________________ 10
2.7.4 Speech based shooting game________________________________________________ 10
2.7.5 Games for the blind_______________________________________________________ 10
2.7.6 Q-Talk Educational game for kids ___________________________________________ 10
2.8 Tools involved in this project ___________________________________________ 11
2.8.1 IBM ViaVoice ___________________________________________________________ 11
2.8.2 Java Speech API _________________________________________________________ 11
2.9 Educational games – The right choice ____________________________________ 13
Requirements and Analysis