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Analyse sur la cybercriminalité et protection des citoyens européens

Analyse sectorielle : Analyse sur la cybercriminalité et protection des citoyens européens. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Novembre 2022  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  9 366 Mots (38 Pages)  •  307 Vues

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Analisis economico europea



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Cyberattack : a deliberate, offensive or malicious action in cyberspace intended to cause damage to information and the systems that process it, thereby harming the activities for which it is supported.

Cybercriminal : A person who commits an offence that harms one or more persons, on or through a computer system generally connected to a network. Unlike conventional forms of crime, cybercrime is found in a virtual space, "cyberspace".

Cybersecurity : all computer security measures applied to data transmitted over the Internet; Internet security.

Cyber threat : Malicious attempts to disrupt a computer system or network by stealing data or gaining access to unauthorized files. Cyber threats affect both individuals and businesses. They can be a source of blackmail (ransomware), monetization (resale of personal information on the dark web), or identity theft (phishing, etc.) It is therefore recommended to protect your devices and data with a security solution.

Cyberbullying : is a form of harassment. It refers to any act of humiliation or intimidation carried out by new communication techniques (mobile phones, internet, social networks, etc.) intentionally and repeatedly.

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Las nociones de ciberdelincuencia, ciberacoso y ciberseguridad son palabras complejas que continúan multiplicándose a medida que nuestra sociedad evoluciona. De hecho, la evolución de las libertades individuales y el crecimiento de los intercambios económicos en la web han creado las condiciones ideales para el desarrollo de la delincuencia en el mundo virtual. Sobre la base de una condición de anonimato, el cibercrimen se ha convertido en una de las formas más rentables de explotación económica con un riesgo mínimo. Entre los sectores más atacados se encuentran los servicios financieros y empresariales en línea y las redes sociales, fuentes primarias para el robo de dinero e información financiera, confidencial o propietaria. Se está estudiando seriamente estos conceptos, especialmente en la Unión Europea. Constantemente encontramos en estos términos, el prefijo "Cyber". Desde el siglo 20, su uso ha sido el resultado del desarrollo exponencial de la informática y la robótica, con el advenimiento de la revolución digital (internet, redes sociales). Como puede ver, veremos la importancia de la ciberseguridad. Las técnicas de fraude incluyen principalmente la instalación y distribución invisible de dispositivos maliciosos y el sabotaje de programas de seguridad. En este contexto, la ingenuidad de los internautas sigue siendo determinante. Por lo tanto, las decisiones adoptadas por la Unión Europea y Francia son esenciales para combatir este delito y crear un esfuerzo conjunto entre los servicios policiales y la sociedad civil. Compuesto por cuatro secciones principales, en este tema abordaremos primero los antecedentes de la política de la UE, luego la explicación de hechos importantes y fechas que se explicarán en la sección de hechos y fechas principales. En la tercera parte de la situación de hoy hablaremos sobre la ciberseguridad en el estado actual. Finalmente, concluiremos trayendo una discusión sobre el tema cuyo problema es el siguiente: Detrás de nuestras pantallas, ¿estamos seguros en estos días?


The notions of cybercrime, cyberbullying and cybersecurity are complex words that continue to multiply as our society evolves. Indeed, the evolution of individual freedoms and the growth of economic exchanges on the web have created the ideal conditions for the development of crime in the virtual world. Based on a condition of anonymity, cybercrime has now become one of the most profitable forms of economic exploitation with minimal risk. Among the most targeted sectors are online financial and business services and social networks, primary sources for the theft of money and financial, confidential or proprietary information. Serious study of these concepts, especially in the European Union, is progressing. We constantly find in these terms, the prefix "Cyber".  Since the 20th century, its use has been the result of the exponential development of computer science and robotics, with the advent of the digital revolution (internet, social networks).

As you can see, we will look at the importance of cybersecurity. Fraud techniques mainly include the invisible installation and distribution of malicious devices and the sabotage of security programs. In this context, the naivety of Internet users remains decisive. The decisions taken by the European Union and the France are therefore essential to combat this crime and to create a joint effort between police services and civil society. Composed of four main sections, in this topic we will first address the background of EU policy, then the explanation of important facts and dates that will be explained in the main facts and dates section.  In the third part today situation we will talk about cyber security in the current state. Finally, we will conclude by bringing a discussion on the subject whose problem is the following: Behind our screens, are we safe these days?


  • The origin of cyber threats with the arrival of the Internet

The creation of the word "cybernetics" belongs to Professor Norbert Wiener who, in his book Norbert Wiener, Cybernétiques, Paris, Hermann, published in 1948, designated by this term the "entire field of the theory of control and communication, both in the machine and in the animal".  He built it from the Greek kubernein, which means "to lead."

Several decades later, in 1984, science fiction author William Gibson used the term "cyberspace" in his novel "The Neuromancer" (a trilogy that features a data thief as its central character through a connection established between his mind and a global network linking computers together).


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