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Notion d'anglais oral espaces et échanges

Dissertation : Notion d'anglais oral espaces et échanges. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Mars 2019  •  Dissertation  •  253 Mots (2 Pages)  •  540 Vues

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Speed dating

It was created in 1998 by Antony Beilinsoh ( a Los Angeles based television executive) after his Rabbi, Yaacov Deo, encouraged him to coceive of innovative ways for eligible jewish singles to meet and marry.

The first speed-dating event took place at Peet’s Cafe in Beverly Hills in late 1998.

Originally from the United States and in the direction of the Jewish populations to promote wedding between members of the community, the concept of speed-dating has developed enormously, worldwide.

Advantages :

-The most shy people will be able to relax as the meetings unfold

-Meetings last only a few minutes per person

-You have no obligation to review the person you met

-There is less pressure than on a normal first date. Most of the time, we decide in the first 30 there may be something with the person who is in front of us. Rather than dating a person for a whole evening and not knowing if the compatibility is there.

Disavantages :

-Having only 8 minutes to get an idea about the person in front is very complicated.

-It may be more difficult for some people who are more shy than others and who need some time to overcome their shyness. In addition, one cannot learn much about person in a short time.

-The duration of meetings can be problematic, because a few minutes are not enough to discover a person. It only remains to hope that she wishes to see you again…

-Even if the meeting is going well, there is no guarantee that the person feels the same for you.


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