Women's march
Dissertation : Women's march. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar yasTid • 15 Février 2018 • Dissertation • 511 Mots (3 Pages) • 592 Vues
Women’s march
For who and why was it really initiated ?
Girls in primary and high schools, some even attending university, fewer mothers dying in childbirth, from this perspective, we can state that the women’s condition is taking it to another level as the UN reports an ascension in female rights. It’s been a precious mark for the World’s women: a global summit with an aim to transform the lives of half of humanity. Women equality, maternal health, birth rights, political representation, social repression, forced marriage, rape and domestic harms: the message from Beijing in 1995 was that was it: time for action has rang. But still the pay gap, forced marriage and cases of rape and domestic violence are still running.
After this little retrospective, I felt the need and urge to speak about the Women’s March for which I’ve had a lot of mixed feelings.
As a moroccan, muslim girl, who if the choice were to make would have voted for Hillary Clinton, I found myself asking: This march is destined for which women? Most of black women, did all they could do to prevent what will actually happened on JAN 20th 2017. I found myself aroused that the original goal of the march just skipped the role of race for the equality of women. The organizers were all white women and still called it the Million Women March which represents in my humble opinion a sort of « cardinal sin » knowing that the first Million Woman March, in 1997, was set up by black women.
What can be said is that The Women’s March on Washington has taken sides. There will be no partnership between the efforts and pro-life organizations as well as that women around the globe didn’t seem to encourage this march, as we saw on many report from arabic channels and french ones.
Covered by the false narrative that women all over the world and from different cultures must have the privilege to do what they wish with their own bodies, the pro-aborts do not seem to know that the body growing within a woman’s womb is an entirely different body, given life from God above at the moment of
conception. The child has a different circulatory system, different blood, and different DNA, making arguments in favor of “women’s reproductive rights” anti-scientifical, not to mention profoundly brutal and unhuman.
From my perspective, all I can say about the media, is that they reported this « Women’s March » with the hysteria and plugging of the Oscars.
One day, American women, or at last, in order not to be eutopic, a vast majority of the female population will frown upon abortion, in the way their ancestors stood up against slavery, and do everything possible to well educate their daughters that life is precious and that their role play is the most important above all.
They must embrace and emphasize that the role of responsibility — motherhood — is about genuine love and care. In this way, the sick, twisted, deceitful, and scarring so called mantras of the pro-aborts can one become obsolete.