Texte De Lois
Compte Rendu : Texte De Lois. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar litterature000 • 28 Mai 2015 • 541 Mots (3 Pages) • 968 Vues
Texte de lois :
Timothy Kirkhope lives in Scotton near Knaresborough with his wife Caroline. He is proud to represent Yorkshire and the Humber in the European Parliament and the 5 million people who live and work in the region. Timothy regularly visits schools, hospitals and community groups from Skipton to Scarborough and from Richmond to Rotherham.
As well as representing his constituents, Timothy is a former Leader of the British Conservative MEPs (for 6 years) He is currently his Political Group's Co-ordinator and Conservative spokesman on the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs committee in the Parliament. He has an important role with SECURITY and privacy issues, such as the fight against terrorism and the protection of citizens' online rights. He is currently working a report on the use of PNR (Passenger Name Record) data which will have a major impact on aviation security and recently had a report on new Anti-Money Laundering measures passed in the Parliament.
As a former UK Home Office minister (1995-1997) Timothy also CONTINUES to monitor asylum and immigration policy. In 2003 he introduced a report to combat Internet child pornography by allowing law enforcement authorities to monitor web activity for offending material and take action against the evil people involved. More recently he was involved as a Shadow Rapporteur on a report for an EU-wide revamp of online protection for children from paedophiles. Timothy is also a Vice-Chairman of the Child Rights Intergroup.
In his first term between 1999 and 2004, Timothy also represented the Conservative party on the Convention of MEPs, MPs and national representatives which drew up the new Convention for the future of Europe and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Regarding the latter he felt that the Charter should have concentrated more on limiting the powers of EU institutions rather than extending them. As a Founder of the Movement for European Reform Timothy lead discussion groups on the Conservative Party Reform agenda, in various parts of Yorkshire and the Humber region.
Throughout this time, Timothy pushed hard for a more pragmatic and transparent Europe, and published a Simplifying Treaty in 2003. It has since been re-published twice and Timothy is determined that this alternative vision of Europe continue to play a role not only in the Conservative Party's approach to the EU but also that of others, friends and foe alike. A copy is available to DOWNLOAD on the homepage of this site.
In 2009 Timothy founded the new ECR (European Conservative and Reformist) Group and moved, as Leader, the UK Conservative MEPs to this new Group. He served as Deputy Leader of the group for the next 2 years.
He has fought for Europe's future to be put to a Referendum in the UK and is fully in support of the Prime Minister David Cameron in his aim of negotiating with our European colleagues to obtain a Reform programme for decision by the voters. He champions an EU that does less but does it better, an EU with less regulation and one which leaves more matters to be decided by Nation States themselves rather than at an EU level. He believes in the Single Market and the benefit of that for our businesses and in extending our TRADE and employment opportunities.