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Report - Self-scanning checkouts

Guide pratique : Report - Self-scanning checkouts. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Avril 2014  •  Guide pratique  •  601 Mots (3 Pages)  •  840 Vues

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1. Age slices

18-20 : 5%

20-30 : 35%

30-40 : 20%

40-50 : 18%

50-60 : 12%

60+ : 10%

2. Jobs

Farmer operator :

Craftsman, tradesman, entrepreneur :

Managerial staff :

Intermediate occupations :

Employee :

Worker :

Retired :

Person without activity :

3. Children

None :

1 :

2 :

3 :

4+ :

For this questionnaire, we asked 46 people to answer our questions.

As we can see in the general question section, the studied sample is large and may be considered as representative of the global population, even if it’s a small sample.

90% of the sample answered they come in our shop frequently and use it as their reference shop. They come for 83% every week to do their shopping. This is because of those 2 numbers we decided to improve their travel and think about a better and faster way to do their shopping. So we decided to implement a new system for our checkouts : the self-scanning checkout.

There won’t be anymore cashier at checkouts but only a machine used by customers. The benefit to the retailer in providing self-checkout machines is in reduced staffing requirement because one attendant can run four to six checkouts at one time now. And this is also reduce checkout time for customers.

So we have implemented several self-scanning checkout in our shop during 3 weeks and then we asked a sample of customers to answer our questionnaire then.

We decided to ask the question of the average basket because we thought about customers who come for only 1 product. Those aren’t representative of the general customers and shouldn’t be concerned by the checkouts time because many people let them pass.

As we can see in the results of this study, 80% of the sample said they trust in self-scanning checkouts and most of them answered yes because they think we could implement more checkouts than traditional ones so there will be a faster checkout time later.

But only 65% of our sample answered they prefer a self-scanning checkout. We believe that this is because self-scanning checkout is a new and innovative way to pay their shopping and it should be complicated at first sight to use it. We will have to pay attention at the use of the customers of our machines and make a lot of communication about the new payment system at checkouts. This could explain the bad ratio obtained from the question : “Do you think everybody could use it?”

We can look at it in our questionnaire : 67% of the sample said they had troubles and ask a cashier


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