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Image positive de la marque Apple (syntèse en anglais)

Commentaire de texte : Image positive de la marque Apple (syntèse en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mai 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  412 Mots (2 Pages)  •  937 Vues

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Forces :

A large number of suppliers, allows Apple to minimize out of stock components.

The experience of Apple allows it to be most effective on the market inventory management , return on assets, or forecasts for future years.

Apple has a very positive brand image and a reputation that allows it to sell its more expensive products than its competitors

Apple uses innovation and surprise to attract customers .

Apple is present in 31 countries around the world through its openings " Apple Stores ".

Apple offers a wide range of services to its customers such as downloading online music or buying accessories.

Their management is a strength.

Apple has the money for investment in R & D , which is essential in the IT industry .


Apple communicates very little information which leaves much room for rumors.

By trying to be innovative, Apple can sometimes be too avant-garde and not pleasing. Apple has negotiated with subcontractors which let children work in really bad conditions.

The choice of using ocean freight import for its products may seem bad. Indeed, transport by boat is the longest way and moreover it is a risk (loss of containers in weather, theft, etc.)..


The computer is a sector in which policies are very important for the economic development of a country.

The international market sector continues to grow , particularly with the development of emerging countries .

Today it is necessary for a person to be equipped by a computer (for emails, over the students, for business records etc.).

Existence of a virtual generation.

The sector is involving in ecology , which is good for his image with consumers increasingly concerned about the protection of the environment.

Competition is high but there are just a few of new entrants as investments in Research and Development is really expensive.

Leader on the market of music players with 70% market share

Financial barriers to entry because IT organizations require a strong investment capacity.


Investment needs are important and regular, especially in R & D.

Consumer preferences may be changing.

Some sub-contractors in this sector, using children and offer poor working conditions in their workforce.

This is a sector that emits a lot of CO2 and that old products are very difficult to recycle.

The law of 13 July 1992 requires the recycling of all electronic waste at end of life. IT is a highly regulated sector.



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