Une marque (document en anglais)
Guide pratique : Une marque (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 31 Décembre 2013 • Guide pratique • 683 Mots (3 Pages) • 893 Vues
Definition 1: The process of developing and maintaining a name, phrase, symbol or other identifying characteristic of a product or service to create recognition on the part of the consumer. This usually occurs over a period of time with multiple exposures and positive experiences. However, negative experiences dealing with the product can also create brand awareness. Examples of brands are: Regal, Buick, General Motors.
Definition 2: A brand is a product or service whose dimensions differentiate it in some way from other products or services designed to satisfy the same need. Brands such as Wrigley’s, Coca-Cola, and Heinz have remained brand leaders for many decades. However, brands such as Polaroid, Levi Strauss and Kmart have not lasted forever.
Definition 3: Brands are series of logos, names, slogans, designs, and/or sounds that communicate to people what the company, product, or service in question stands for.
Companies continually strive to revive and adapt their brands to the evolving market.
Brand managers and their companies primarily determine how brands adapt to their changing environment.
According to Kotler and Keller, 2009, today brands play a number of important roles that improve consumer’s lives and enhance the financial value of the firms.
Similar to the product life cycle, all brands also go through their individual life cycles.
The Business and Management Dictionary defines the brand life cycle into three stages:
- The introductory period is during which the company develops a brand and introduces it to the market.
- The brand faces competition from other products of a similar nature during the growth period.
- Finally during the maturity period, the brand either extends to other products or its face is constantly updated.
The Development of Brands and Branding
In today’s world, just as it has been for many previous centuries, material goods make a big contribution to one’s image and to the social status of people. (How do we dress, jeans, tee shirts, handbags...)
Though the main aim of a brand is to develop trust and satisfaction with customers and supporters, people develop their own idea of what this representation may include after experiencing the product for themselves.
If branding didn’t exist and people bought products on impulse, companies would find it difficult to sell their products and services.
The loyalty that branding produces makes it easier and more efficient for companies to survive. Branding is essential to companies because of the way society operates, through association of ideals to products. As long as companies continue to intensify their image and relate to desirable conditions, people will continue to buy their products and services, and businesses will continue to strive.
Products exist to expand choice.