Publicité Redbull
Mémoires Gratuits : Publicité Redbull. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar pilouski3 • 23 Octobre 2014 • 2 651 Mots (11 Pages) • 944 Vues
Red Bull Company was founded by Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz in the mid 1980’s precisely in 1984. Inspired by functional drinks from the Far East, the company was first placed on the local market.
He created the formula of Red Bull Energy Drink and developed the unique marketing concept of Red Bull. This one focuses on extreme sports with a strong sensation which gives rice at “Red bull gives you wings”.
Since its creation, Red Bull Company remained very closed. It banned all visits to laboratories and factories by anyone who is not an employee. This lack of openness to the outside world prevents the public and consumers to learn about the production of the drink and its exact composition.
So this is thanks to its unique marketing strategy of its kind and its confidentiality that Red bull maintains the myth on its energy drink. Thanks to its amazing strategy marketing a company has known so successful that it is now present in the world.
I/ Company Analysis
Historic of Redbull :
In 1987, on April 1, Red Bull Energy Drink was sold for the very first time in its home market Austria.
In 1994 Redbull come in Europe with to begin Germany and after United-Kingdom.
Only in 2008 the RedBull drinks arrive in France. Indeed it is so late because the French health authority was improper drink, and thinks that the drink contains extracts from bull testicles.
Today Red Bull is available in more than 166 countries and around 40 billion cans of Red Bull have been consumed so far.
Direction generale
Nb salarié
Il est important de voir que environ 30% de son chiffre d’affaires annuel est dédié au marketing sportif
54% du CA en marketing
II/Mission Statement:
The commercial mission statement consists of three essential components:
A- Who is your target client or customer?
Red-Bull’s mission concerning a target is to target a maximum of one. Indeed, this drink can be used for different purposes and different people (Company, Young people, Taxi and Sports-room).
But with a more detailed analysis, we can observe that the target of Red-Bull is more specific. In fact, in addition to target a lot of consumer red-bull tries to focalise on young people and a people who practice the sports extreme.
Moreover, many studies have shown that this drink was consumed more by men than women. This is due to the concentration of taurine in the beverage.
To better view I show you a diagram :
To conclude the goal of Red-Bull is to attract as many people, but trying to have a maximum of young people practicing extreme sports (15-35 years seeking adrenaline).
B- What product or service do you provide to that client?
By Red Bull: “Red Bull Energy Drink is an energy drink, an unique combination of quality ingredients”.
The product that is providing to the customer is a drink energizing who permit to win energy and increase its ability to withstand stress.
She is compound:
Sugar: For energize your body
Taurine: For increases your endurance and your energy at any time
Pure water : For detoxifying waste in your body
Caffeine : For improves reaction time and alertness
Vitamins : for reducing the fatigue
C- What makes your product or service unique?
Red Bull is an energy drink that gives you wings regardless of the time when you need it.
So this is a product that allows many people to be able to increase its capacity thanks to a gain of energy.
But Red Bull is primarily a marketing innovation. In fact this one is based around marketing and a strong reputation, enabling customers to identify and join a community «the red bull community"
III/ Strategy
The strategy of this company is totally different from the others company and move to an area where no one was still gone. Indeed Red Bull decided to go for the sensational with a strategy of highlighting the brand and events, but not product. Sensible enough choice because in the end, the brand has only one product, available in several flavour’s. And the brand is everywhere! On social networks, sporting events, in creating discipline and even in the field of music!
The objective of Red Bull is not to create pure sponsorship, but to create events from beginning to end and help new sports to make themselves known. This is how Red Bull operates 600 events per year and sponsors 500 athletes as Sebastian Loeb, Sebastian Vettel and recently Thierry Henry.
A- Basic Strategy
To understand we can characterize the strategy of Red Bull in 10 points:
The conquest of youth : with extreme sport now attracts up to young
The relaunching rather that the sponsoring and it create their own champion: the company does not try to sponsor events but bought or even create. For example : Red bull Salzburg , F1 …
B- Positionnement :
Redbull est présent sur le marché des boissons énergisantes, il s’agit d’ailleurs du leader sur ce marché. Le positionnement est :
Objectif : car l’entreprise a pour image d’apporter aux sportifs l’énergie dont ils ont besoin et se en représentant des sports dangereux et extrêmes.
Crédible : l’entreprise sponsorise de nombreux événements sportifs et sports extrêmes. Ex : mec qui a sauté de l’espace.
Attractif : Cet univers est attractif pour les jeunes car l’image de RedBull flirt avec le danger, l’action et des sensations recherchées