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Espaces Et Echanges (document en anglais): l'environnement social

Compte Rendu : Espaces Et Echanges (document en anglais): l'environnement social. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Janvier 2015  •  619 Mots (3 Pages)  •  3 072 Vues

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I'm going to talk about the notion of space and exchanges. And first of all I would like to define the terms of the subject. We have to remember that the world was built on explorations and conquests of new spaces because beyond the borders there are unknown territories to discover and explore, some places of fantasies and hopes. So space is expanding in a spirit of conquest but also to initiate news exchanges between organisations, between cities or from one country to another.

Morevore, Spaces and exchanges means travel, journey, and the journey often means the discovery of the other, in search of the exotic, looking for a sense of community but sometimes also loneliness, which is source of fascination and inspiration, freedom, for characters who seek (cherchent) to escape the constraints of social conventions.

So to illustrate this notion, here, I have 4 documents which are focused on travel literature (real or fictional) and the glance's evolution toward others places and the other. Because some have a special way to travel and realize the world around them. How they conceive and understand the meeting with the other, in adapting to others locations or in appropriating places through the reproduction of their own social environement?

 So here I have a document which comes from the famous novel Into The wild. Into the wild is the real story of Christopher Mc Canless, who called himself Alexander Supertramp. After graduating, Alex decided to turn his back on his privileged life to go and live alone in the wilds of Alaska. This passage, is the letter from Alex to his friend Ron: Alex gives his friend Ron news about him. In this letter, Alex recommands a different lifestyle for his friends. He blames his friends for living a monotonous and boring life, a life of routine, he blames him also for not discovering life and it news things, he doesn't take advantages of what life have to offer because Ron isn't open minded.
In this letter, Alex justifies his own lifestyle, his philosy of life and his choice for the next future. He rejcts the consummer society, society's conformity, he belives that modern lifestyle and systems of government are unhealthy and out of harmony with the natural systems of the planet. So his solution is to be close to the nature, be alone in order to know more about himself, It's here his spiritual quest. 
So here travelling across countries, spaces, roads enrichies his life giving him more possibilities, news experiences like working in the fields or meeting other people in order to exchange things over spaces.

This idea of a new quest is also show in the text: My first road trip “out west”. Felicia Fairchild talks about her journey across the United States when she was young. She highlights the fact that this kind of experience have marked her because she was young: she remembers every detail of that adventure, included the negative and the positive aspects. For example she admires the beauty of the desert, the forest and of course the road 66, indeed road 66 is a way to discover landscapes and be amazed by the western adventures. But for Felicia during this trip there was also some sobering moments as well: she remembers, for example, the horror of car accident or she was scared of the height of the Grand Canyon but all this fears help her to know the better, to understand her fears her attemps in life. Indeed she says ligne 74: “it


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