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Espace Et Echange (document en anglais): internet

Dissertations Gratuits : Espace Et Echange (document en anglais): internet. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Mai 2014  •  342 Mots (2 Pages)  •  962 Vues

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ESpace et echange

Most people will agree that the Internet has had a tremendous impact upon society. But does the Internet have a positive or negative influence on society? This is a question that has sparked much debate. Many people believe that the Internet is negatively influencing society by increasing pornography, fraud, and other negative elements. Some say that, because the Internet is not regulated, it contributes to crime and decreases the safety of human beings. However, despite these negative aspects, the Internet has opened up many new doors of opportunity for people, improving the way we live, work, and play. In addition, the Internet has become a critical path for research. For these reasons, and many others, many people believe that the positive influences of the Internet far outweigh the negative ones.

The Internet creates new ways for citizens to communicate, congregate, and share information of a social nature. It is obvious that the Internet has and will continue to change the way we live. How it is changed, and how it will continue to change our lives,

The Internet can make learning so much more exciting, interesting, very engaging and very much alive. Computers have been a source of joy for children for some years now, because of the games they like to play on them.So school work, that resembles play, is much more appealing

.From all the above we can see that the Internet is a whole new world emerging at the conclusion of the 20th century. Everyday, the Internet expands by the social, political, and economic activities of people all over the world, and its impact growth exponentially. Some of this growth in impact has been described here. In this new world there is no geographical separation and there are no borders, and all people are encouraged to participate and contribute drawing on their experiences and resources. In cyberspace actions and reactions are essentially instantaneous, and this is why the Internet is so gratifying and attractive. This is why it has impacted our society in almost all areas of human endeavor.


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