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La notion espaces et échanges (document en anglais)

Dissertation : La notion espaces et échanges (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Mars 2015  •  227 Mots (1 Pages)  •  687 Vues

I am going to speak about the theme space out and exchanges. I will talk about the immigration. The immigration it is the fact of settling down in a foreign country for diverse reasons as the work, the culture.

America is an ground of welcome for the immigrants.

Ellis Island is an island situated in New York. She(it) shelters the statue of Liberty. It is the main entrance of the immigrants who arrived to the United States. The statue of Liberty is turned(shot) to the ocean to welcome the immigrants. There is a poem on the statue, which is there to wish welcome to the immigrants " give me your poor people "

The immigrants were destitute and they lived in dire straits. America was seen as a land of opportunity. They would become well-off, all people were on an equal footing, and there were no social classes. People could become wealthy very quickly, and climb the social ladder. People were yearning to live in an open society and to start from scratch.

The barrier the United States Mexico is a separation between the United States, and Mexico. She( aims at preventing the important illegal immigration from Mexico.

There are cities in the United States, as Los Angeles or the tongue most to speak is Spanish.

The immigration corresponds well to the theme space and exchanges because it is an exchange of populations.


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