Rapport de stage UIB
Rapport de stage : Rapport de stage UIB. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Marwen Sedraoui • 30 Janvier 2018 • Rapport de stage • 265 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 492 Vues
do you think it's easy for me to shut down my feelings, pretend like i don't have them, just ignore the fact that i'm crazy in love with you, that's not a word i can
say easily and yet when it comes to you, i become weak, all my walls fall and i open up completely, i grab every chance i get to say it, and yet, somehow, you managed
to take off the meaning out of it, in a way, i started to empathize with him, i understand what he meant by saying that you played with him,i'm not angry at you for saying
those things to me, i'm angry at myself for allowing this heart to beat and feel again for someone, i always say that we make mistakes so we can learn from them,but it turns
out that i learnt nothing from my previous experience, absolutely nothing, i fell again in the same trap,loving someone who can't be mine and actually convincing myself
that it could happen.
i'm building that wall again,and never letting it crumble, there will be no holes for the light to pass through,it's too much damn painful just thinking about it,
but i don't have to feel that pain another time, i've already been hating people, but i classified that person not as people but as my angel, my savior out of the darkness
it turned out that it was the thing that will push me even further into that bottomless pit of nothing, i'm actually fine about the fact that i can stay alone, i can now
put all of my focus on my studies.