Raport de stage LEA Licence 3 en anglais
Rapport de stage : Raport de stage LEA Licence 3 en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Darya Goncharova • 5 Janvier 2021 • Rapport de stage • 7 246 Mots (29 Pages) • 882 Vues
To begin with I would like to explain the reasons and the motives of my choice of the LEA. Before subscribing I knew already what I wanted to do in my future and more precisely what I didn't want to do. In order to make you understand me clearly I will give an insight into my past. I have already a Master degree in economics in Minsk, Belarus. The choice of the university wasn't really mine. My parents insisted a lot and adduced various arguments in favor of department of economics. I pondered over their reasons and they seemed to me sensible and convincing. It should be noted that in Belarus there are entrance exams in to every university and they are rather difficult. Therefore once you passed your exams you can consider yourself to be lucky. If one day you want to change the department you must take your entrance exams once again, what is nearly impossible as you had already forgot what you had studied at the secondary school.
But let's revert to my studies at economic university. I didn't appreciate much my studies, but as I said it was nearly impossible to change the department afterwards. So I continued my studies and received my diploma five years later. After graduating from the university all the graduates got a compulsory placement and I was placed on a job as a tax officer, where I had to work during two years. And it's there that I understood once and for all that economics and law don't interest me at all. The reality was so far from my expectations, that I hardly could find courage and energy to wake up in the morning and go to work. Nothing motivated or encouraged me there. I had no incentive to work hard or to learn something new.
Here my little deviation into my past comes to an end and I get closer to my studies in France. I had always dreamt to be a teacher or to work with foreign languages. And when I learned that I can study in France, moreover, for not high fees (you must admit that 400 euro per year is not expensive) and without entrance exams, I sent my dossier without hesitating.
Before long I received a favorable reply from the university in Caen and two months later I was in France, ready to new experience, difficulties and looking forward to the beginning of the classes.
Why is this department so attractive to me? First of all I really love English and French, I really like to study both these languages, its grammar and history. For me it's true pleasure. Secondly, this department gives many opportunities and choices for future work. There is a huge range of jobs I can apply for afterwards and it's important nowadays when unemployment is rather high. Finally LEA is a good start for future Master degrees. And as I hesitated between Master in LLCE and LEA, I decided to do a degree in LEA (as it provides more chances to find a job than degree in LLCE) and to make my mind later which Master to choose. Now I understand that Master in English is more attractive to me and I am contemplating and to continue my studies there.
Now, when you understand better why I chose this department I would like to deal with the choice of my internship. Above all I had to choose the country. And as soon as I learnt that I have the right to find it in France, I had no more hesitations about it. The reason is rather trivial: money. As I rent already a flat in Caen and moreover I have a cat, I didn't find it possible to leave all this for 6 weeks minimum and to move abroad. If I had left for another country I would have paid two rents: in Caen and in my temporary town. In the financial aspect it was impossible as I have not got any scholarship and I paid all my bills myself in France. So moving elsewhere was unlikely.
In that way the choice of the country was made and then I could begin to look for a company for my internship. Here again I would like to underline my financial difficulties. I worked as a private tutor in Russian and English languages and also as a baby-sitter. Since an internship is not remunerated I was forced to keep my jobs and to find a part-time internship. This condition has considerably reduced my potential vacancies. Nevertheless I tried to find an internship in organizations, which I was interested in most of all. There were two kinds of internships that attracted me. The first one was at school. But I was interested not in the work of direction, but rather the process of teaching. The second one was an internship in the organization, which deals with refugees and helps foreigners to obtain this status. I found it very interesting as I am a foreigner as well, so I know the problems that new coming people face in France, from learning French to finding accommodation and a job. Besides, very often these people don't speak French; they are in despair and need individual approach. The person, who is working there, should be at the same time a social worker, a psychologist and an interpreter. Combining all these professions in one together with helping people and changing their destinies filled me with rapture.
Unfortunately, I did not get a post neither at school nor at the organization helping refugees. I was upset a little bit, but I understood that looking for a half time internship did not contribute to a favorable answer.
Of course this failure did not stop me and I continued my search. Very soon one of my friends told me that a restaurant “Les Dunes” is looking for a waiter. I applied for this post at once and was easily accepted, as I had already had an experience in this field. I was accepted as a probationer for six weeks with a possibility of working there afterwards. The latter opportunity draw my attention and I had no doubts any more (again financial aspect prevailed). That is how I found myself working in the restaurant “Les Dunes”.
Part I.
1.1. The location of the company
Frankly speaking it was difficult for me to find it for the first time and nobody of my friends and none of passers-by knew this street, although it is in the very center of Caen. It is situated not far from Centre of Paul Doumer, the town hall, the main library and the hotel of Caen. Nevertheless the restaurant is hidden behind huge wooden gates and its signboard is rather unremarkable. The entrance is imperceptible as well. Moreover, when you come in, you run against the kitchen. Therefore many people, who come for the first time, apologize and ask if it is really entry. But apart this little inconvenience, the location is very advantageous for its owner. The restaurant is situated in the very heart of Caen and is surrounded by many offices, small shops, companies, government agencies, including the Court of Law of Caen, the town hall and the hotel of Caen. And that means that many rich clients come to have their lunch here, ready to spend their money and choosing dishes without looking at its price.