Cours d'Anglais Management BTS
Étude de cas : Cours d'Anglais Management BTS. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Matoto06 • 7 Novembre 2022 • Étude de cas • 1 083 Mots (5 Pages) • 465 Vues
Chapter 1: COMPANIES
Whether they are called companies, firms or corporations and enterprises,
they all can be referred to businesses.
1. SIZES: There are 2 sizes of companies: SME/ SMC and LARGE
While in France we distinguish small from very small neither in the UK nor in
the USA the distinction is done.
The word” medium” can be replaced by middle in British English.
In the USA a small and medium- sized company employs from 2 to 500
employees whereas in France, it employs less than 250 people.( In
France there are from 2 to less than 250 employees.)
A large company in the USA employs more than 500 employees and in France
more than 250.
2.1. There are four main types of companies in the UK and five in the USA.
A LTD:It is a private limited liability company.
This a privately owned company, meaning that the owner can be the founder
of a small business. Investors can be family members.
A Ltd is a SME/SMC and a small and medium-sized company. The equivalent is
the French SARL. The founder has invested his or her private capital.
A Ltd is a limited company as well as a PLC (Public Limited Company) but it is
not quoted onto the stock exchange market which means that the capital is
privately owned and the liability of owners is limited to the amount of their
contribution. The capital is often owned by the founders of the company and
known as a family company .This company is often a small business or a family
one run by founders. (LTD:A French SARL type).
The equivalent in French of the PLC is SA
When growing a Ltd (Limited liability company) can become a PLC (PUBLIC
LIMITED COMPANY)and becoming public meaning that the capital is no longer
owned by a family or founders but by shareholders who have bought shares (A
percentage of the capital being invested.)
Q1: what does the word “public” mean here?
It means that everyone can invest his/her money in a company they are named
“shareholders.” their liability is limited.
A PLC: A public limited company is quoted onto the stock exchange market
(the City , Wall Street…) meaning that the capital(money) is shared between
shareholders since the company has been sold to the public. A PLC is then,
listed or quoted onto the stock exchange by being incorporated. (ex : Apple)
A Partnership: They are non-profit organisations run by more than one person.
(EX : resto du Coeur)
A single proprietorship is also called self-employment they are companies
owned by one person who can work on his or her own for his or her own
account. They pay taxes to the state. (25% of their income); A self-employed
pays for his or her social contributions. This one –man/woman company.
Small and medium-sized can be Ltds or PLCs, large companies are mostly PLCs.
Many of them often decide to merge to fight against competition and gain
more profit on the market.
The LLC :This a small business, a limited liability company which a US one,
owners are not responsible for debts , but the business benefits from a pass
through taxation just like a partnership ( charity ).
Questions :
Q: What is a joint -venture?
This is the result of the merger of two companies or entities to create a group
operating on the same sector of activity .
Ex Thales Space merged with Alenia Space a couple of years ago to create a
joint -venture named Thales Alenia Space. (A JV).
JVs are created to make more profit and make the group more competitive .
EX2 : Create three sentences using those words : Competitiveness, competitive,