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Etude de cas: la marque Red Bull (document en anglais)

Étude de cas : Etude de cas: la marque Red Bull (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Février 2013  •  Étude de cas  •  304 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 243 Vues

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As you can understand it the prohibition to sell our product/Redbull in France,while it was allowed in 21 countries member of the EU,was unwittingly a big advertising stunt that has allowed us to be present and implant the image of our product in the mind of the consumers

(ou: we didn't expect that the prohibitiion to sell our redbull would have this echo to ensure us a great advertising that has allowed us to establish our image in the mind.. )to stay there we sponsor several events of extreme sports such as moutain biking,ice sports,races...and concerts too where our drink flows afloat.This year we sponsored an event world the highest free fall jump realized by felix baumgartner (you know the man who has crossed the sound barrier)

in addition to sponsorising we have our own exclusive events open to the public,the Flugtag(ça veut journée de vol en allemand) for example is known in France.It consist in creating a flying tank to jump from the top of a hill and landing in the river like what Redbull gives you wings.

On TV we also have our own ads with a humorous tone(as you can see >>>>> image).Redbull is visible in popular sitcoms where the characters drink it.

To be closer with our consumers we are available on social networks like FB,G+,tw... and on our website

where our energy is the most required at school,at work and so on we distribute free samples next universities,businesses district,nightclub

to surprise and attract new consumers we have created a redbull limited edition (on peux rajouter pour faire plus de blabla : limited edition with 3 cans a blue one,a white one and red one.this is a wink to the French flag and the french customers.

With all these informations let us not forget that our Redbull with its unique taste makes its own advertising itself.


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