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Macro-environmental Impact

Analyse sectorielle : Macro-environmental Impact. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Octobre 2023  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  602 Mots (3 Pages)  •  146 Vues

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Macro-environmental Impact:

In this section, we are providing explanations on how the impact of the six components of the macro-environment could affect our sales. Some of theses have a positive impact therefore our sales might increase, and others have a negative impact that might decrease our sales.

To begin, the first component concerns the demographic environment. As explained previously, our target customers are basically students, so based on this component, it is a great opportunity for our service to make profits. Millennials are more likely to be open-minded and eco-friendly. Most of them care a lot about sustainability and they are not afraid to use new services. Consequently, this impact will probably increase our sales and boost the company’s performance in general. Nonetheless, to guaranty that we are prepared to leverage the impact, we should improve our understanding of value.

Next, the second component concerns the economic environment. Right now, in Quebec and generally in Canada, we are facing an economic recession caused by recent crisis. Thus, we must be careful that our pricing range for vegetables and fruits baskets are accessible to everyone even those with low budget. As well, the consequence related to this impact, is that it will be harder for our company to be able to make big profits if we do not increase our customer-perceived value to stand out from our competitors.

Moreover, the third component concerns the natural environment. The company’s main core value is obviously to lead students to eat healthier by providing a more sustainable service. For this purpose, we try to minimize our environmental impact. In other words, this component could only shift our sales upward because our company’s standing is already synonym of no pollution and planet conservation. Then, we are not worried about the shortage of raw materials. Again, to leverage the impact in our favor, we should use baskets made with recyclable wood materials.

Also, the fourth component concerns the technological environment. The impact on our sales related to this aspect are huge. The constant growing of technology is one thing that we must pay attention. Our service needs to be aware of the new technological improvements. This macro-environmental component will force us to update our service constantly. If we cannot provide to our customers, the most efficient customer experience, we will probably lose them. With this in mind, we should use this technological force as an advantage and try to gain new markets to maximize our sales. For example, using a more efficient supply chain or creating a social media profile to leverage the impact.

Now, the fifth component concerns the political environment. Everyday, new regulations about business legislation are voted and adopted. Consequently, as a legal company in Montreal, Canada, we are concern by these adoptions. Undoubtedly, our sales could be affected by any changes regarding these laws. However, they are also here to protect us from unfair business practices. Thus, to minimize the negative impact that could happen if a new law is adopted, we should hire professionals to analyze the market and provide a guidance to follow and respect.

To conclude, the last component of the macro-environment concerns the cultural environment. Each society has different core beliefs and these beliefs are hard to change. Fortunately, Montrealers core beliefs are perfectly matching with our cause-related service. Therefore, the cultural impact will increase our sales of baskets because people tend to support eco-friendly firms. In addition, the company’s values are similar to Concordians’ values. Nevertheless, despite the positive impact occurred by this cultural force, our service could still manage to improve its customers support by doing surveys and listening to what customers really want.


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