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From heart to heart

Commentaire de texte : From heart to heart. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Novembre 2018  •  Commentaire de texte  •  453 Mots (2 Pages)  •  702 Vues

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                      From heart to the heart

        Till when ?till when ..kept you on this situation..till when ? To where the world took us ..when will you wake up ?you wanted to be  a successful person , different ,  conscious ..responsible for your self, managed your affairs ..till when? .. tell me .

        You woke in the morning  ,drink coffee as usual ,you went  out to performer some missions if it found  ,and backed to home ,ate the food and you slept ..every day so that ,day restored days, routine ,so is your life nothing new ,no perpose in your life and you complained  of the world [Donia] and you said that you felt  sad , and there was nothing beautiful ,did you forgot  what is your principal object in life, have you created to eat and play and and…!I ask you? How many you opened Facebook at day ?haha .. I think that I need to reserve the question ?how many you closed FB?you went to be successful ! had you read  a book in your life to developed your personality! …how many [AYA] from the Quran you have read ,did you  prayed your prayers salat ? or was you plural them , have you seen that you forgot, or Salat was not your priority ,you have seen that you forgot Allah ,and you needed success and happiness in your life .We was talking to each other not each other if the problem occurs between us ?you spent your money gladly to buy a cigarette to burin your brain ,and if a poor man came to you  needed a  money do not dared to put your hand in your pocket !..ours hearts was dead,you spent your time to playing and watching TV for hours and hours and you can’t prostrate 5 minutes  to ALLAH .why ? !did you not love ALLAH ? did you not love Djannah .Donia is hous of trouble and work and Akhira is house of stability and retribution , what do you wait for to change ?catastrophe ,illnessor death  to know that the world was nothing and only Allah will benefit us .Painful ,my words hurt you ,but it was the true , I didn’t know why I said this word ..but all I knew was that of the heart .

       Come on up ,get up and make your life with your hand ,you still have time …the brush is still in your hand ..color your life as it should and be different ,,befor leaving .



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