Euro histoire - dossier UE
Fiche : Euro histoire - dossier UE. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Linda Cheurfi • 3 Février 2016 • Fiche • 1 532 Mots (7 Pages) • 1 049 Vues
The European Union was created in 1992 by the Treaty of Maastricht. It appeared with the aim of ending the wars, leadin to the Second World War.
In 1951, the six founding countries of the European Coal and Steel Community : France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, decided to unite all European countries politically and economically to ensure a lasting peace. So gradually, different countries in the world join the European Union.
In 1973, three countries join the EU (after the six founding coutries) : Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. In 1995, another three countries join it : Austria, Finland and Sweden. Then, in 1981 there is the Greece. In, 1986 there are Spain and Portugal. In 2002, the euro became the new currency, but not for all countries in the EU (cf : picture below). Thereafter, in 2004, ten countries decide to join the European Union : Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia. In 2007, there are Bulgaria and Romania, and since July, the 1st of 2013, the EU is composed of 28 members with Croatia.
So, Europe, the 3rd world population (with 508 191 116 inhabitants) and the 7th global area (with 4 493 712 km²) defends values based on equality, freedom, democracy and respect.
Finally, the Europe has the highest PIB of the world (with 18 412 billion $).
But actually, European Union isn't really perfect... Admittedly, there are a lot of favors in the European Union but there are also lots of drawbacks and here are the main subjects which we are going to introduce you. First, we will speak about the advantages of the EU and in a second time we'll speack about the disadvantages of the EU.
The advantages of the European Union
- Free circulation
That’s maybe the argument the most famous, indeed thanks to Europe, we can pass the Union member states' borders without any control or, just with an identity card. So when you’re European you don’t have to present your passport or your visa if you want to stay in a member of the EU and this is a big advantage because for strangers that's easy to travel, they can decide to work, to study or living in any European country of their choice. Citizens are free to move from one member country to another.
- Economy
You keep hearing that the euro is responsible for price increases. And that is true that prices have actually increased since 2002. But has anyone ever pointed out the many positive aspects of the single currency?
So, it must be stressed that the euro is the single currency of 300 million Europeans who can travel without charge exchange in the 12 states of the "Euro zone". Similarly, companies in our country have gained much with the Euro. So, they initially benefited from the creation of the "single market", which since 1986 has introduced a free movement of goods.
Indeed, thanks to this unique market, for example, French products can be marketed in all EU countries without being taxed at the border crossing (and are thus less expensive and therefore more affordable for all citizens of these countries).
So, thanks to the euro, trade between European countries (80% of trade in EU countries) are much more easily and are also less expensive. Indeed, as with a single currency, companies of different Member States of the euro area no longer have to bear their customers (in the final sale price of their products) costs related to the conversion their 'prices and tariffs' in different national currencies.
- Research
The EU encourages member states to increase funding allocated to research and development. Indeed, there is a directive from the EU executive authorities of the Member States, a directive which specifies that states must now devote, by 2010, at least 0,3% of their GDP on research. Moreover, European funding granted to French laboratories fill reduction efforts by states. Similarly, the EU encourages collaboration between researchers of all member countries with the aim of ultimately creating thus a true European Research Area : a source of growth and jobs.
- Education
The EU encourages and develops student mobility. In the context of globalization, the internationalization of education and knowledge is an opportunity for students and a boon for businesses fond of international profiles. It is thus impossible to deny that today the knowledge of several languages and cultures is a considerable asset for a young graduate. Finally, if you want to do an internship in one of the EU Member States, you are entitled to apply for the scholarship "Leonardo". (Awarded regardless of all social, the "Leonardo da Vinci" represents a sacred grant financial "kick pushes" and allows you to enjoy an enriching experience abroad!).
- Environment and agriculture
We must first know that France has long been the largest recipient of agricultural and regional aid. Similarly, the EU is often criticized on the grounds of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Thus, he is accused of ruining the French farmers. In 2004, the EU has contributed - to the tune of almost 25 million Euros - this promotion in all EU countries. Similarly, the EU finances the organization of information events about the qualities of European agricultural products (safety, hygiene, nutritional value, labeling, animal welfare and respect for the environment). A program establishes a list of sites and protected animal and plant species. The Member States of the Union are obliged to comply with these sites, to implement all means to prevent the disappearance of protected species. This for a healthy environment and to preserve the rich European biodiversity.
In short: You are living Europe on a daily basis without realizing it.