English Blog's story
Fiche : English Blog's story. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Gloodie . • 27 Avril 2017 • Fiche • 769 Mots (4 Pages) • 743 Vues
English Blog's story
Chapter 1
I thought at first that yesterday would be a common day …
I woke up, lazy as usual. After all, my school life is great but not so much, (luckily my friend Jayna is in my class) I don't have a part-time job and have no boyfriend.
Anyway, so I decided to go for a morning run and suddenly wanted to go the bakery “Candy's sweets”, an old bakery I used to go with “him”.
When I arrived in front of the bakery where we usually went to eat some sweets, I stayed there for a long time and entered in when I got a message from Jayna saying that he returned and I stopped immediately, stunned.[ “Him”: the term to not say his name and try to move forward.
The first time we met was at my home, I was 17, him 19 years old.
He was playing video games with my brother, and suddenly at one moment, our eyes met, he blushed and smiled, it was fun to see.
When we knew each other better, I began to like him.
He was shy, cheerful, pleasant, and was sometimes like my knight in a shining armor. He was handsome too : he was tall, had a jet black hair and beautiful blue eyes, so beautiful eyes. And I … I was not really attractive, I wore braces, had a fringe (I don't know why !) and got big glasses but he liked them and I was happy.
My brother often attempted to separate us when we were together like a protective big brother.
Girls were usually around H. at school but he didn't seem to pay attention to them and when I was a little jealous he came to hug me, I really liked him but I know he considered me more like a little sister and the sister of his best friend but everything was great … until that day.
He invited me to drink with him, it was really fun! We were both like children but on the return, I don't know why, he pressed me against the wall. Nobody talked, it was so calm that we could hear our breath, he came closer and then whispered that he didn't know how to react with me or what he would do if I wasn't the sister of my brother. I didn't push him as if I was waiting him to kiss me and told him, drunk, that I liked him then he said, “Sorry, I can't”, I finally succeeded to push him aside and I left with anger. I felt so ashamed. My brother asked me what happened when I came home, I didn't say a word and cried in my bedroom. At that moment I asked myself why I was foolish enough to have thought that he could have fall in love with me.
We were suddenly more distant after that.
His parents got separated and we got fully separated too and he moved without a word.
I mainly had great memories with him and missed him a lot during these 5 years.
I don't know how were his days, I have not heard from H. a lot. ]
My phone fell and without thinking I knelt down when I saw a hand trying to reach it to give me. I took the phone and bowed my head to thank him, he began to laugh and I immediately remembered this laugh.
I looked up and didn't recognize him at the beginning, he became so handsome. His black hair has grown up. His blue eyes were shining and he had nice dimples.