English story
Mémoire : English story. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar young trey • 19 Janvier 2019 • Mémoire • 3 638 Mots (15 Pages) • 586 Vues
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The Koylo
It is the story of a group of friends composed by John, a young boy who is very smart, Anna, beautiful and kind girl, Michael, genius of hacking, Frank, a very good basketball player, Christina, the older girl of her class and finally Diana, a cheerleader. They want to pass a good time in a strange place but they can’t because there is there Koylo, a ghost monster.
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Chapter 1
John is a teenager who has 17 years old. He is very handsome and clever especially with his mother Emily. She divorced with Paul, John’s father, a few days ago. John decided to live with her mother because he can’t let her alone without any man who can protect her. He went sometimes to see his father but it’s to say good bye. Paul was cheating on his wife with a girl, which is younger than she is. That’s why the teenager doesn’t want to live with his father. So Emily find a beautiful house in another town and another country to be far from her husband and to begin a new life with her son. This strong woman is a very famous doctor in the hospital Manacura because she is respectful and very professional. A few years ago, she economized money so if she will had a problem, can expense this money. That is what she is going to do today. When John came back, Emily said to him:
- Look Johny, I now that you want me happy and don’t be sad of what your dad did. That’s why I decided to change our life by going to another country. I want your opinion.
- Mom, you want to change, to go to another place far from here.
- Yes, I do.
- Why? This home is the place where I spend all my childhood and grow up in.
- Yes, I know but this place reminds me your father and every time I sleep in the room, I can’t stop thinking about him and what he did to me please understand me.
- Oh no mom, please don’t cry. I know that was very hard to you to divorced Paul but you did it and that is a good step.
- Yes, but now I want to want to pass another step, which is to go away from here and forgot everything related to your dad.
- Okay, mom I understand you. Did you think about me and where am I going to study.
- Yes, don’t worry. I think about everything. I found a big and beautiful house, which is near to a very good high school. I have already registered you there.
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Chapter 2
After a few days, their house was empty and all their stuff were in the truck. Everything that belonged to Paul was send to him. Emily says goodbye to her neighbors and John does the same thing to his friends. Then they live by car to their destination leaving all their memories behind them.
In the car, John was a little bit sad because he left his friends. His mother said to him:
- Don’t worry son. You will make a new friends and better than them. Don’t be sad. Be happy to your new life.
- No mom. Don’t worry about me. I just was thinking about all the good moments I spent with them that’s all. I know that I am going to have a lot of new and friends I can fell it.
After hours of speaking and driving, they arrived in front of their new house. “OHH! This house is so beautiful isn’t it”, said the mother to her child. “Yes, it is and the neighborhood is also a beautiful one because it is a very clean place. I can see many things from her: a high school which is I thing where I will study, coffee chops and fast foods. OH! There is also a video game salon. That’s super cool. I already loved this place.”
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Emily was so happy because her son loves the place. They begin to decorate and to put their things in their new house. A few moments later, when John came from his house to bring the other boxes, he saw a very beautiful girl with green eyes and shiny blond hair. She was Anna, the daughter of Miss Grant and neighbors of John. The teenager feel in love. He said that she is the most beautiful creature that he never seen before He was really concentrate at the girl so he didn’t see Michael, a neighbor of John also. He was playing in the street with his skateboard. Michael precut John and fell together saying:
- Bro, you can’t see who is in the street. What if it was a car who percuted you?
- I am sorry. I was concentrate in a thing. Is everything all right?
- Yeah, yeah man I am okay. Are you the new neighbor who came today because I didn’t see you before here.
- Yes, it is me. I am John. I come here with my mom Emily.
- Oh, cool. I am Michael, your neighbor. Mmm, I think I know what you were looking at. You were looking at Anna. Yeah, she is beautiful. Moreover, if you want, I can help you to be her boyfriend.
- No, no thanks. I was just dazzle by her.
- Okay, as you like. So nice to meet you. I have to go now.
- Nice to meet you too. Bye. See you soon.
Therefore, John continued to do his job. After hours and hours of work, the house was perfectly decorate. At night, the family (Emily and John) drinks sodas and eat some junk food with watching T.V to celebrate the new house.
Chapter 3
The morning at 7 AM, Emily come to John’s new room and wake him up to go to the high school. After a few minutes, John go to his new school. There he found his friend Michael and the beautiful Anna. When the director present him to John’s new classroom and classmates, he was surprised because he saw Anna and Michael. He was so happy to have his friend and his lover in the same class.
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After a few weeks of studying with his new classmates, John and Anna become friends. They do researches and play in their houses together. He became also a friend of Christina, a classmate of John, which have 18 years old, one year older than her classmates. Frank is another friend, which is a very good basketball player and is 18 years old like Christina. She loves him because he is very handsome and has a very beautiful car. There is also Diana, a cheerleader of the team of the school. She has a crush on Frank. She sees him every minute because he is her classmate and she supports him with the other cheerleaders in the competitions. Now John has many friends. He go with them together to do some sports, to go and eat fast foods and go to the cinema together to see different types of films. The young boy loves his new friends a lot and he is with them turning around the city with Frank’s car showing to John all the beautiful things about his new city The New Graal.