Savadogo English Story
Cours : Savadogo English Story. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 18 Février 2013 • Cours • 2 237 Mots (9 Pages) • 991 Vues
Sarah For 06/02
Savadogo English Story
She’s finally dead. I think it’s more a release than nothing else. I’m sad for her. But I think that she needed it. It had to. I don’t know yet how it happened. Her Mom called me this morning, very early to tell it to me. Amanda told me that she was going to do it. I did not believe her. I thought she dare not. I should stay near her. It’s unfortunately too late.
I’m Emmy, I am... Oh no, I was Amanda’s best friend. She was 16. It’s so young to leave this world. She was so special. People didn’t really know her. I think I was the only. Even her parents did not know her. We were always together. She was practically my sister. We were very close and I’m going to tell you her story.
Amanda Davis is a young teenager of 16 years old; she had always got what she wanted, since her birth. Obviously! Why? Because she was a unique child. Her parents are very comfortable. They live in New York City. They possess “RUNWAY” the magazine, and the empire state building. She hated them, because they were never at home. They let her with a nurse that spent all her time sleeping. So, she gets the entire house for her.
At school, she was “Miss Popularity”, everybody wanted to be her friend. She was the caricature of the silly blond. That means: She was middle tall, with long blond hair,
blue eyes, a silkiness skin. She was perfect, from head to toes. She was very smart, she had the best grades ever, always 100%, A +s with comments like “Excellent work” or “Perfect, as usually”. She had great comments, but her attention in class was not in there. She had a very bad behavior, she yelled at anybody face when she was angry, even me. But I knew why, so I was just suffering in silence.
I knew her pain, she grew up by herself. Can you imagine growing with nobody near to you? You have to learn things by yourself? It’s unimaginable. In spite of her bad behavior, people were admiring her.
She had a very bad lifestyle. She drank a lot, not even in parties, even in her house. Sometimes, the morning she was coming at school with a hangover. I thought that it was exaggerated. And she was smoking a lot, like not possible. Even at school, it was obviously forbidden, but because of her father position in the society, the principal could not punish her.
Her life was a disaster, she get out every time, to partying or going in nights clubs. Her parents could not know that. They were never there for here. In a way, I understand her, she wanted to attract the attention over her, and because of her parents did not care about her, she did what she wanted. The life should be a burden for her. Poor little girl.
One time her parents travelled to Paris, so, with me, we planned a big party at her house. A party like project X, but worst. She invited the entire town in her house. Her house makes 3floors. It was awful; people came and don’t stop comingt throughout the evening. I'm sure they loved it, but I don’t. Everyone smoked like trains, they drank alcohol like water. Amanda was released herself this night. She had set no limits, as usual. She held in one hand, a glass of vodka in the other her third pack of cigarettes. How she purchased all of this? ID hacked by the best local traffickers paid 100 dollars piece. I am witness. The party started at 8pm, at 10:00, she was no more upright. I think it is during this moment, she began to lose her control.
She was dancing with anyone and doing anything. She did not master her anymore. I tried not to lose sight of her, but with this entire people it was impossible. There was a hubbub immeasurable; I did not hear myself talking. People jostled me here and there. I saw a tall man, of around thirty years old. She was behind him. He did not seem trustworthy. I took her hand and pulled it strongly. She followed me without hesitation, I took her to her bedroom, I've flushed her face with iced water, and she had regained her senses:
"Amanda, can you tell what you're trying to do to you? Are you trying to ruin yourself?"
"Give up Emmy, let me enjoy it. I'm tired of everything! If I cannot even enjoy a party more"
She got up and left me. I stayed in her room, on her bed. I was desperate. How was I going to make her come to her senses? I had no idea. I could prevent her parents; it would not have changed something.
I found a solution; I'd lock her in her room to avoid any skidding. I went out to the room, I shouted her name. There was music in background, so she could not hear anything. I went to find her in the living room; everyone was dancing on chairs, tables... It was madness, people were regurgitating their alcohol. It was disgusting.
Still no Mandy. I had a very quick flashback. Amanda and this big saturnine! I ran when I had snatched Amanda to him, they were no more there. I started to be afraid. I inquired about him; nobody knew or did not know where he was coming from. He had inlaid!
I immediately felt very badly. I was sweating all over, my fingers were trembling. I was hoping that nothing happened to her. I left the apartment, I look in the hallway, there was that couples who smoked together, I asked them if they had not seen Amanda. One of them asked me who was she. I answered him :
“No, but? Seriously?”
I thought I was dreaming. Towards the elevator, there was Sierra who smoked one, she’s a friend in kindergarten, but we stay friend during all those years. I asked her if she had seen Mandy, she said she saw her with a man going down, a man that she had ever seen before. I took the elevator immediately arrived the main floor, there was nobody except the door man, but he was drowsed. I left the building. And I get a click, behind Amanda’s building, there was a small wood, one time, she told me that she liked to bring her boyfriends there so they could be more alone...
I started running