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My work placement : point d'encre

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Par   •  31 Janvier 2015  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  607 Mots (3 Pages)  •  865 Vues

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All along the three years of vocational baccalaureate sale, we must to perform several work placement who we that allows to go into the world of work.

Firstly, I going you say where I did my work placement.

secondly, I going to make a quick presentation of the business.

Thirdly, I going to describe the activity that what I have to perform during my work placement.

Fourthly, I going you what this work placement has given me and finally, I going you say what I going to make after my baccalaureat.

I worked as a trainee within in the buisness Point d'Enche during 4 weeks from 2 june to 28 June 2014.

This buisness is situate in the street '' des douves '' next door the school "the likes" in Quimper since 10 January 2012. It is a business specialized in the refill of ink cartridge.

There is only one employee who is in charge for Point d'Encre and also my tutor (Stephane CARADEC)

He sells rechargeable ink cartridges, printers, papers and refill old ink cartridge

Every morning, I began from 09 am to 12 am and from 14 pm to 18 pm.

I going now speak the activities I have make and I going you describe more precisely a activity.

● I am doing of the checkout so I fill of the client and packing

● I filled different labels of ink cartridges for have full cartridges aside for not that client wating.

● I advised a person to sell a printer

● I created a paper fostering for know opinion the client on the business.

● I canvass Quimper business for present their business and draw up a quote.

● I made a flyer for put in the mailboxes of Kerfeunteun sector.

I going speak more precisely the flyer I created.

Point d'Encre is not much known despite it's been 3 years it is set up on Quimper.

I so proposed to my mentor to set up a prospecting technique that is prospecting field to make know the business.

I first all created a flyer with a promotion for make bring come our future cient.

After I created a itinerary of diférent sectors where I going prospect and plan for show where situate Point d'Encre for put with the flyer.

Then, I print a lot of copies of flyer and I'm going in different sectors of Kerfeunteun.

During 4 weeks of work placement, I saw many people come back with the flyer I had set before in the mailboxes. They didn't know that Point d'Encre exist then it's been three years it is set up on Quimper.

And during we filled their ink cartridge, new client filled the paper fostering that I created to know their


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