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Russian revolution

Cours : Russian revolution. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Février 2016  •  Cours  •  288 Mots (2 Pages)  •  738 Vues

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Russian Revolution

        The Russian Revolution took place in two phases. A first revolutionary movement ended the tsarist regime in February, 1917. The set up government not managing to bring out Russia of the economic and social dead end where it was, a second revolution took place in October, 1917. This one elected a Bolshevik government, which did not delay signing the peace with Germany to disengage from the World War I, then to proceed to important reforms.

        The October Revolution was the milestone of the XXth century. It changed the face of the world, and had an enormous international impact. The Bolsheviks victory inspired revolutionary uprisings in all Europe, in particular in Germany, in Italy, in Finland and in Hungary. Its great message of national and social emancipation also inspired the workers and the rural workers of the colonial world. Bolsheviks established International communist (IC, Comintern) which, in 1921, had attracted under its flag six million workers. Its objective is to spread the socialist revolution, to knock down the capitalist order and to give all the power to the people. The USSR (Socialist Union of Soviet republics) is established in 1922. After the death of Lenin, in 1924, Joseph Stalin installs a totalitarian regime which remains thanks to a rough repression. 

        The first red Fear is the consequence of the Russian Revolution of 1917. This expression appoints a period of strong development of the anticommunism in the United States. It is characterized by the criminalization of the communist or anarchist political beliefs as well as the fear generalized by a communist infiltration within the American government.



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