Mondialisation Ice Swatch
Note de Recherches : Mondialisation Ice Swatch. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar laetitia77 • 24 Avril 2013 • 1 548 Mots (7 Pages) • 1 070 Vues
Presentation du swatch group
We will try to show the organisation and the involve of Swatch group in globalisation.
First we will present the story of Swatch group.
Swatch group results from the merging of two societies. Indeed in 1983 both societies merged in so far as the crisis of heavy industry. The two societies were ASUAG and SSIH. The last one was ASSUAG which was founded in 1931 and created luxurious watch. The second one was SSIH which was a former group of manufacturer of watch which gathered the brand Omega and Tissot.
Moreover in 1983 ETA Manufacture created the Swatch, by Elmar Mock and Jack Müller, which allowed them to recovery their past momentum economic after the economic crisis of heavy industry in 1970. Moreover ETA manufacture had also created the Delirium in 1978, which was the finest watch of the world. In 1985, Swatch buys ETA which became its subsidiary company which is responsible of the watch components production and to sell it to other watch companies.
The swatch group is thus named because the term “swatch” is the shrinking of “Swiss watch”. Indeed this brand beams an image of traditional high-quality watch producer based on the place of the Switzerland in the history and so in the industry of watch. This group also tries to produce the bigger number as possible of component and to put them together in Swiss to agree to their image. Nevertheless the appellation “Swiss made”, written on most of swatch group watches, is given to products which are pieced together in Switzerland even if they weren’t made in this country. Thereby swatch group can affix this label on some watch whose some components were product abroad. Furthermore, most of raw materials using for watch pieces are imported in the country from abroad.
We have decided to not speak about only one precise example of a watch made by a brand of swatch group because most of information about kind of production is hidden by the group. We thought it would be better to talk about the general policy of production and selling of the swatch group. The Swatch group is composed of 19 brands including Omega (which produced luxury watch), Longines (premium), Tissot (mid-range) and Swatch (opening range).
As we can see on the first of the slideshow, indeed you can see the logo and the name of all brands which composed Swatch group.
Définition de la mondialisation
Now, we will define what the Globalisation is.
Nowadays it’s the third part of globalisation
First, Globalisation is the process of progression of capitalism system on the global scale. Indeed it’s based on the integration of economic and societies all over the world. That’s why, this system connected different countries each other. However, the globalisation doesn’t include all the countries, therefore some countries remains excluded from globalisation. This connection is allowed by the communities’ networks and all kind of transports. The main actors involved in the globalization are the TNCS (transnational companies), which play a major and multifaceted role in globalization
Finally, According to Fernand Braudel, we can define globalization as the capitalism historical expansion on the world scale. What’s more, such as the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy.
L’intégration de Swatch group dans les réseaux de la mondialisation :
We will present the place of Swatch group in the networks of globalisation.
The whole Swiss watch making industry is an atypical one. In fact, in 1995 the Swiss watch industry wasn’t integrated as well in globalisation because it was able to live in self-sufficiency for component. The integration in globalisation is also relatively recent; it is nevertheless currently acutely integrated. It’s the case of Swatch Group too. As we saw previously, Swatch Group is a huge firm which contains many branches. We’ll show in what ways the watch produces by swatch group are globalised products.
1-the distribution of the watch consumption
A large part of the watch production is located in Switzerland as the example of the brand Swatch shows it. Indeed about 170 factories in Switzerland product and put components of the swatch watch together. Nevertheless for many watch including luxurious and mid-range brands, some of law-values components are imported from Asian countries such as China or Taiwan. The law-values components are for example wristbands or packing and boxes. Even high-value pieces are sometimes exported from Asia to Switzerland, but it represents a few parts