La Guerre Du Vietnam
Note de Recherches : La Guerre Du Vietnam. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar LS1906 • 20 Février 2013 • 1 222 Mots (5 Pages) • 1 572 Vues
The Vietnam War
Diapo 1 :
In 1860, France began its domination of the area and had, by the late 19th century, implemented its colonization During WWII, the Japanese government took control of the area and set up a puppet regime that was forced out by the Vietnamese at the end of that war in 1945.
Diapo 2 :
After WWII and until 1955, France fought to regain their former territories but had a poorly organized army and little determination among the troops. The French were finally defeated at Dien Bien Phu on the 8th of May 1954 by the communist general Vo Nguyen The French troops withdrew (se replient), leaving a buffer zone separating the North and South and set up elections in order to form a government in the South.
Many North Vietnamese left the country and fled south where Ngo Dinh Diem had formed the Republic of Vietnam
Diapo 3 :
Ngo Dihn Diem was a Catholic who restrict Buddhism practices across South Vietnam
but the majority of the South Vietnamese want to follow Buddhism.
Ho Chi Minh is the leader of the North but also many people in South Vietnam look at him for leadership.
He had beaten the French, broke up large estates (domaines) and redistributed land to the peasants. (Paysans)
Diapo 4 :
The president Dwight D.Eisenhower invoked the domino theory to justify U.S military involvement in the Vietnam war. He belief that if one country falls to communism, neighboring nations will also come under Communist control. In the 50's the united states began to send troops to Vietnam. From 1955 to 1960, the North Vietnamese tried to take over the government in South Vietnam.
Diapo 5 :
President Kennedy wanted to keep South Vietnam from having a communistic government and send advisors to help them.
Vietnam became the centre of the discussion with President Eisenhower. On the 23 july 1962, the united states,China,The soviet Union,North and South Vietnam signed an agreement promising the neutrality of Laos.
Diapo 6 :
Lyndon B.Johnson was president of the U.S.A in 1963 and he is the one who will increase US involvement in the war. In November 1963, the vietnam president Diem was executed, Johsnon said that the battle against the communism must be joined with strength and determination.
Diapo 7 :
In 1964, China and Russia helped the North Vietnamese to conquer the whole country and fought against U.S army that had to face an army full of young people in an environment that they didn't know.
Diapo 8 :
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident began on August 2, 1964, when an American ship, the USS Maddox, was performing a radar sweep of the North Vietnamese coast.
The destroyer was attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo patrol boats.
After President Lyndon B.Johnson was apprised of the incident, he brought together a spécial session of Congress, and on August 4, an air strike was approved. (Après que le Président Lyndon B.Johnson ait été informé de l'incident, il a rassemblé une session spécial du congrès, et le 4 août, une attaque aérienne était approuvée)
The following day, strategic North Vietnamese targets were taken out, and on August 7, Congress.
The resolution gave the president authority to use any means necessary to resolve the situation in neighbouring Vietnam
The operation flaming dart consisted in America bombarded the North Vietnam.
Diapo 9 :
After several attacks upon them, it was decided that U.S. Air Force bases needed more protection.
The South Vietnamese military seemed incapable of providing security.
On 8 March 1965, 3,500 U.S. Marines were dispatched to South Vietnam.
This marked the beginning of the American ground war. U.S. public opinion overwhelmingly supported the deployment.
Diapo 10 :