- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Role of the notebook of intership

Fiche : Role of the notebook of intership. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Septembre 2018  •  Fiche  •  1 717 Mots (7 Pages)  •  590 Vues

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Page 2                                      Role of the notebook of intership


 the notebook of internship is an educational document which aims at creating a coherent link between three main actors of training:

1)  The student

2)  The company and the guardians

3)  The teaching staff

This document has for vocation to fill a number of objectives:

- Validate the conformity of the period of formation with regard to the educational objectives defined with the company.

- Allow the company to understand the expectations of the training and to estimate objectively the trainee.

- Allow the young person to build his professional project and to be situated in its training

- Give to the trainee a positive image of the internship and of his evaluation

- Allow the educational whole team to follow the evolution of the student

- Create objective and constructive links of partnership between the company and the hotel high school

- Leave to the student a track to progress and strengthen the acquired points

- Allow the student to present his notebook during the professional orals


This document is under the responsibility of the trainee during its internship. He has to present him at the beginning of his internship  to his guardian and to make him follow in every service.The notebook is completed in the presence of the trainee at the end of every period in a service. The educational guardian will validate the notebook during his visit in the company and will repeat points acquired with the trainee and the guardians in a company.At the start of the school year, the class teacher of the class of 2nd year BTS will get back notebook of internship who will be kept to the Office of the Internships and Companies.

Page 5            List of the objectives of the internship allowing the construction of the program                                

                                                               of internship

The student chooses approximately 20 objectives which have to allow him to build his program of internship. The objectives sound pulled  by type of internship.

                                             Internship by restoring, bar, room service

Procedures and necessary documents in functioning of the system of restoration or service

-Create a schedule
- Use an index card(form) of stock; choose a shape of supply
- select a supplier
- analyze a history of sales
- participate in the elaboration of a budget, a forecast

- Draft an internal note

- Participate in the recruitment and in the training of the staff

 - draft an index card banquet

- Authorize  tasks in the time and in the space

The performances in catering

- Conceive, propose, set up services in restoration
- Follow the costs, analyze écarts, justify the proposed prices
- Analyze the end product and verify its adequacy with the formulated expectations

The exploitation of points of sale

- Maintain a point of sale, supply it
- Plan the operations of maintenance and cleaning
- Manage a dispute with a supplier
- Realize and/or estimate all or part of a catering service

The systems of invoicing

- Charge a service

- Check a box

- Use the various modes of payment

The animation
- Propose around a country, around a region, around a product an animation, a catering service
- Take into account the cultural, religious, environmental aspects...
- Use specific materials adapted to circumstances

- Implement techniques of singeing, cutting, bar

The commercial supports in restoration

- Develop commercial supports

- Estimate the costs of supports

Operational management of the human resources
- Estimate needs in staff and establish the job description, the prospecting, the selection
- Calculate the costs of the staff, the hidden coûrs
- Liven up, command a small team, to manage a conflict

- Welcome, inform a new employee within a team

The welcome and the marketing by restoring

- Master the techniques of reception and the phases of the sale

- Use the foreign languages in a professional context

The planning

- Estimate needs in materials of work and activate the commands

- Receive the deliveries

The quality control and the productivity in restoration

- Use data sheets

- Lead(drive) a comparative study of the costs

Page 6                                         Internship in cooking – caterer

Research and development

- Draft data sheets

- Define standards

- Build proposals of the services adapted to the various forms of marketing

- Make sensory analisy, deduct a report and envisage corrective actions

The systems

- Define the quantitative and qualitative needs regarding work

- Use the procedures and the documents bound to the inventory management ; signing of the orders, the reception, the storage and the distribution of foodstuffs

- Define job descriptions

- Participate in the recruitment of the staff

- Participate in the staff training

- Run materials of preparation, cooking, distribution and storage
- Choose the best adapted material
- Calculate costs of investments, installation and maintenance
- Build schedules of maintenance and cleaning


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