Les différentes étapes pour la cartographie documentaire
Cours : Les différentes étapes pour la cartographie documentaire. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar 91195 • 9 Juin 2019 • Cours • 381 Mots (2 Pages) • 484 Vues
There are many documents involved in international trade, such as commercial documents, financial documents, transport documents, insurance documents and other international trade related documents. It is therefore important to understand the role of each document and its requirements in international trade environment.
Different stages of documents chart flow macro process
Draw a global documents chart flow, considering:
- Identify the actors
Who are these actors?
- External
- Internal
- External-internal
What are their respective roles?
- Indicate and place the different documents on the global chart flow process
a. Commercial documents
b. Quality and inspection documents
c. Government documents
d. Transport documents
e. Customs documents
f. Insurance documents
g. Financial documents
Different stages of documents chart flow micro process
Draw a detailed data sheet for each document used in the global chart flow.
a. Commercial documents
b. Quality and inspection documents
c. Government documents
d. Transport documents
e. Customs documents
f. Insurance documents
g. Financial documents
In your chart flow, you need to mention and clarify the following points:
Concerning the Actors:
- Who request what?
- Who is the shipper?
- Who is the consignee?
- Who is the notify?
- Who is the responsible?
- Who is in charge of the transport? Are there any sub-contractors? Who are they?
Concerning the Documents:
- Which actor is issuing what document?
- Which document is used for which purpose? Pls describe fully detailed
- How it’s issued? On paper base or via EDI? How it’s linked to?
- What kind of information is mandatory to stipulate in the documents? Please provide full description of the content. What is the risk for the shipper / supplier or the customer if the document is missing?
The retroplanning for documents flows is required:
- How long time is needed to create the document? What’s its validity?
- How long time is needed to transfer the document? to receive it? What is the critical level for each document?
- When the documents are issued, sent, received?
- Are these documents synchronized with physical / IT flows?
Direct & indirect costs
- What are the direct & indirect costs linked to each document? The impact?
- How the documents are archived? For how long time? Which cost? Who pay?
- If discrepancy occurred 🡪 define the costs at which stage?
- Please define how you can implement to improve the QCD?
- What kind of documents are useless?