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Sustainable developpement

Commentaire de texte : Sustainable developpement. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Janvier 2016  •  Commentaire de texte  •  373 Mots (2 Pages)  •  527 Vues

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The text entitled "Air pollution causes low birth weight, study shows Beijing", focuses on the consequences of pollution on the health of babies. In fact, one study showed that during the Beijing Olympics in 2008, when the government had introduced measures to reduce the emission of vehicle, constructions and industries, babies born this year was bigger of 23g that babies born earlier years. This weight loss of pollution can cause complications or diseases in their future life.

In the first picture, we can see a child looking at a congested road in Beijing. Therefore, there is a contrast between the child, his purity, his future and the environment that surrounds him : the cars and pollution ..

In the second picture, we can see a woman walking down a street and wearing a face mask to protect her from poor air quality. This woman protects herself against the harmful effects of pollution on health.

In the third picture, we can see several children of different nationalities cleaning up the planet. This photo makes reference to sustainable development. This picture reflects that it is necessary for the future life of children to care for and clean our planet.

The photos clearly illustrate the text. One of them puts in opposition a child with the world which surrounds him and the effects which it has on him.  As shown in the text, a polluted environment has incidences on the size of the children and thus more generally on the health of all. Therefore, it is necessary to protect ourself from these misdeeds as the woman does on the photo n°2 by wearing a face mask on the street. This study carried out on the influence of pollution on the size of the babies allows us to become aware even more of the importance of the sustainable development, that is the development which meets the needs of present generations without compromising the capacities of the future generations to meet their needs. The sustainable development is shown in picture n°3, where children of different nationalities are trying to clean and take care of our planet. This means that every person around the world, using simple gesture can improve the future of children but also enable a healthier planet.


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