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Sean Diddy Combs

Note de Recherches : Sean Diddy Combs. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Novembre 2013  •  211 Mots (1 Pages)  •  657 Vues

i want to work at bad boy records, my ambition will shakin the rap industry, sean diddy combs have built an empire with nothing, i want to work with him because he is the best in this world. I'm a manager, I'm working with two rappers. We will come soon for show our level to the world, want to be the best. you will fall in love about us, just be careful, we are the most powerfull, we are jokin when we see rappers now, fake rappers like lil Wayne or shit like that, where is the real rap from the 90's with Pac, BIGGIE, suge knight, snoop... the rap is takin the wrong way, you know all the rappers now can't do anything to stop us, we will become the best, we will become famous, get ready,

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