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Present A Revolutionary Car Concept

Dissertations Gratuits : Present A Revolutionary Car Concept. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Janvier 2014  •  245 Mots (1 Pages)  •  822 Vues

Present a revolutionary car concept.

I came up with this idea after a busy afternoon. I was coming back from school, it was an awful rainy day and my father could not get inside of the car because he could not find the car keys. We ended up all wet and upset after searching for those keys for more than half an hour.

From this, I started to think about a new concept which would make it possible for customers to drive a digital car.

With the help of engineers, we would create a personalized recognition system which would work for maybe two or three of the people who are usually driving the car.

The driver would just have to touch the door with his thumb to open or close them. There would be a voice recognition system inside of the car as well.

At any moment it would be possible to choose the music, the GPS itinerary just by dictating it to the car.

I have had other ideas since I started this project, such as an automatic pilot so that the driver could read his newspaper while driving.

In the future, the goal of this concept would be to have a car that drives itself safely. Not only for the driver, but also for the other road users.

This car would be a real change in everyone’s life. It would even be easier for disabled persons to use their cars which would be a real social and technological projection.


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