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Naturalization in the United States

Discours : Naturalization in the United States. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Avril 2017  •  Discours  •  372 Mots (2 Pages)  •  643 Vues

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Hello everybody. Today is an important day for you, for us, for United States,for the America. Today is the day of your naturalization. Today, you will become a real American citizenship, like me. I hope you realize your chance to be here, in this exceptional country. We have all a day thought about the American Dream, today you start to realize this dream, this beautiful dream. That matter our nationality, our differences we are all here for the same cause : BE A REAL AMERICAN.

Now, I'm going to tell my own story, of the beginning until today. I lived in Cuba with my parents and my older sister. But my parents in 1998, decided to come live in America, at this year I was 20 years old and for me it was a dream to live in USA. So me and my sister were so excited by this adventure ! But I remember that the first days, first months were very difficult because even if I was excited to live here, I didn't think that the adaption were complicated. This is complicated for us because my parents decided to come live in America like if they started a new life, so we arrived in this country with NOTHING, no house, no car, very few money, and especially we arrived with our language, Spanish. It was the sign of a new depart. I had to work hard to make money to help my parents , I learnt a new language... I've done everything to become who I am today : an american citizenship. Today, even if the adaptation was difficult, I would like to thank my parents for bringing me here, for this experience.

Know that our arrived here is a chance for us, but it's an asset for the USA. We bring new culture, our culture. Immigrants for them means workforce. We are important for the country because we are elements who can be boost the economy. We bring mixity and diversity at the country.

I'm sure you'll be good citizens for the USA. But even if you are american citizenship, never forget were you come from. BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE AND USA WILL BE PROUD OF YOU.


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