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Marks and Spencer

Cours : Marks and Spencer. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Février 2015  •  Cours  •  256 Mots (2 Pages)  •  611 Vues

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This text speaks about Marks and Spencer known under the name M&S, in a popular British chain of stores. It is the first seller of cloches of the country in terms of turnover and probably the most symbolic chain of stores of the United Kingdom. M&S is also specialized in the sale of food and in the third domain: the equipment of inside.

This text speaks to us strategies of brand-building in the world, so the manager of M&S Marc Bolland, indicates an increase of the profit with regard to the 16pc last year. He put on a strong innovation and on a quality of clothes and products proposed to the customers.

Thanks to this growth, Marc Bolland plans to implant stores in key countries: emerging countries. In particular India, China.. In India he wishes to open 10 new stores and 6 new stores in China among which 3 in 2011. Taking advantage of the globalization and the opening of markets, he wants to conquer growing fast countries.

Of more the brand is going to open a M*S store on the Champs-Elysées in Paris while marked had left France in 2001. In spite of the current economic crisis M&S notices an increase of sales in the fashion and according to Investec M&S in not affected by the crisis and continues to increase its profit.

In 2011 M&S was a brand rapidly expanding, we notice a wave of dismissal to M&S in spite of record profits, at present the employees of M&S organize big European demonstrations in London in particular.

(260 words)


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