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Marketing Bancaire

Compte Rendu : Marketing Bancaire. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Mars 2013  •  383 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 082 Vues

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Professional clients:

A professional is an entrepreneur with a personal and working for its own account. It is defined by occupational activity for profit.

Identification of professionals:

Business customers generally identify with:

 Membership in a professional activity.

 The pursuit of profit.

 The separation between personal assets and business assets.

 The variability of income depending on the nature of the activity (lawyer, artist, doctor, real estate service, ...)

Needs and expectations of professionals:

• Needs:

 weaknesses of statistical data

 an important market set to grow

 diversification needs

 activity requires a broad skill and knowledge (accounting, legal, tax and financial)

• Expectations:

 Quality of Service

 proximity approach (banking, ...)

 personalized management (implementation structure dedicated to these customers)

 relief paperwork

 easy access to different funding

 assistance in case of difficulties.

Business needs are divided into two categories:

• Services provided by the bank are services similar to those offered to individuals and professionals.

• Financial assistance: operating funds (cash credit, credit mobilization), investment loans (medium-term credit, long-term credit, market), leasing, credits external (supplier credit, buyer credit).

• Services provided by the bank are services similar to those offered to individuals and professionals.

• Financial assistance: operating funds (cash credit, credit mobilization), investment loans (medium-term credit, long-term credit, market), leasing, credits external (supplier credit, buyer credit).


Professional clients:

A professional is an entrepreneur with a personal and working for its own account. It is defined by occupational activity for profit.

Identification of professionals:

Business customers generally identify with:

 Membership in a professional activity.

 The pursuit of profit.

 The separation between personal assets and business assets.

 The variability of income depending on the nature of the activity (lawyer, artist, doctor, real estate service, ...)



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