Différence entre les hommes et les femmes (document en anglais)
Dissertation : Différence entre les hommes et les femmes (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar marine947 • 17 Mars 2013 • 205 Mots (1 Pages) • 1 191 Vues
Although women work since a long time, they are lots of difference between men and women at work.
Even though some works are reserved for men (because qualities physical appearance are needed), women are more unemployed than men (10, 7% against 8, 8%). There are prejudices, some work are reserved for women just by their appellations, for example charwoman, midwife. Even the work housewife seems to be reserved to this gender.
There is a difference of salary in the same job between men and women (about 25% in 2002). Nevertheless they’re doing the same job.
It also exists a difference with the qualifications; in general women are less qualifies than men. It’s a reality and we don’t know why the difference stays.
Women have less important responsibility, we can find at work machos with lots of prejudices that’s why mentalities doesn’t change.
Often, men think that women are inferior because they send back an image of sweetness or maternal that’s why often they think they aren’t able to manage a team or to be a leadership. Many people think that the place of women is in their kitchen with five children. Change the mentality and do progress all differences is a real objective.