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Comment Victor Hugo associe t-il la poésie à la peinture pour transcrire ses pensées ?

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Par   •  10 Février 2020  •  Commentaire de texte  •  808 Mots (4 Pages)  •  648 Vues

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Nowadays, society conditions us to have a physical appearance within a certain standard. As a result, many physical discriminations appear. They can be of any shape and are defined as the visible characteristics of an individual who may or may not be modifiable, be it his physical appearance (height, weight, face, hair, skin color), his clothing, his tattoos, piercing and makeup. This discrimination can be found in public as well as at work via school establishments. The importance of physical appearance is reflected, for example, in the greater success of people recognized as attractive on the job market. Physical appearance has played an important role in the world of work for a long time. The consequences of this form of normalization and idealization can lead to eating disorders or social phobias in some people.

The subject before us today relates to the scandal of a young 21-year-old woman, Emily O'Connor, who took part in a flight with the airline company Thomas Cook Airlines. When he boarded, the officers who were on the plane ordered her to put on a jacket because, according to them, his attire was inappropriate, referring to their charter and his guidelines for clothing. She then asked the other passengers if it bothered them and no one answered. The young woman still had to put on a jacket so as not to be kicked out of the plane. This resulted in sincere apologies from the company via social networks.

In fact, many people like Emily O'Connor face physical discrimination every day, which can cause serious problems for those who experience it. We can therefore wonder if our society is not too focused on physical appearance? First, we will see discrimination in the world of work and then we will see the fight and prevention against discrimination.

First, we talk about employment discrimination when job seekers are treated in a differentiated manner on the basis of selective criteria that lack objective and reasonable justification with regard to the working post. Moreover, the employer is generally free to hire the candidate who he believes is best for the job offered, but its choice must not, however, be based on prohibited grounds by the law mentioned above. However, discrimination can also occur after hiring throughout a person's career. In this case, this discrimination can come either from one of the superiors or from the employer himself or from direct or indirect colleagues. This discrimination can be discrimination on the appearance of the person. It can take shape during a job interview as I mentioned earlier or even more within the company. In fact, in 2008, the American fashion company, Abercrombie & Fitch, refused a young woman for a sales position because she wore a scarf. We are therefore talking about racial discrimination. We can then see that certain discriminations are therefore closely linked. The company was not at its first attempt because a few years later in 2010, an employee was dismissed because she wore the veil and that according to the "Look policy" of the brand, this does not correspond to the values that they convey. This resulted in their being summoned to the United States Supreme Court to be tried.

However, many means are put in place to reduce all forms of discrimination, be it physical, religious and many others. The most effective means pass through the government and the Parliament which have the power


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