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Elizabeth Blackwell

Résumé : Elizabeth Blackwell. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Octobre 2022  •  Résumé  •  505 Mots (3 Pages)  •  289 Vues

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Elizabeth Blackwell

describe poster

To start, on the left of the poster, we can read the title which is the name of the hero presented : Elizabeth Blackwell.

While on the right we can see one picture and two drawings of the subject studied.

At the bottom left, under the name, are her dates of birth and death which are 1821-1910.

She died at the age of 89.

At the bottom right, under the images, is a small biography about her that says: “British physician, notable as the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States, and the first woman on the Medical Register of the General Medical Council.”, and below it is one of her famous quotes “if society will not admit of woman’s free development, then society must be romeled”.

present hero:

born in 1821 in England; passed away in 1910

nine siblings

She was a feminist, as we can see in the quote on our poster, she was all for woman working and doing studies. All her life, she defended women's rights.

Well known family: brother was a women’s suffrage supporter and her mother was an anti-slavory activist

moved to america in 1832

Blackwell was inspired to go into medicine when her best friend died

Her application to medical school was considered a joke

Blackwell faced discrimination and obstacles in college and teachers forced her to sit alone

she became the first woman to graduate medicine school in 1849

trained in paris and london Hospitals

then returned to NYC

Blackwell opened a small clinic to treat poor women

opened the first medical college for women in nyc and put her sister in charge and moved back to London and she became a professor of gynaecology in London School of Medicine for Women

published several books

Why should she be in the museum?

Elizabeth Blackwell is an amazing woman who changed medical history in the US and in the entire world forever. She convinced many women to pursue their dreams of becoming doctors and nurses. Thanks to her, to this day, we have female doctors in the world.

I chose her because:+

I chose to present to you Elizabeth Blackwell because we think that nobody in the class knows who she is and her story is truly fascinating and original. Even if we aren't all interested in medicine, we think her story needs to be heard. This is why we think Elizabeth is a hero

And I agree to choose her too because of all the work and determination she has put into it.

The official definition of a hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities, and in this definition I recognize her.

We chose this woman


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