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Angalis ifsi

Fiche : Angalis ifsi. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Décembre 2018  •  Fiche  •  729 Mots (3 Pages)  •  733 Vues

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Explication de la situation =

Nurse Emilio “Blake”: Hello Mary, it’s blake the male nurse

Safia Student nurse: And … I introduce myself, I’m Safia, I’m a student nurse

Emilio: can We come in?

Enfant Anaïs “Mary”: Yes come! I'm playing with my teddies!  

Nurse : Ohh, these are really pretty you know!

Safia: What are their names?

Mary : Their names are poly and jack

Nurse : Nice ! Then, how are you today?

Mary : I'm fine… But i didn’t sleep last night… again, I woke up my mum because, I am all aches and pains : stomachache, headache. All night long. I can’t bear it anymore.  

Nurse : Yes Julia, the night nurse, told me that you had temperature

Mary : Yes 38°C. but she saids it was a little bit better after I took the painkiller.

Nurse : Well Safia is just going to take your observations.

Safia: first: temperature :37°C.  Give me your wrist please… your pulse is a bit fast: 100 instead 80.

Nurse: Now let me see your blood pressure.

Mary : Hum ok, but what have I to do ?

Nurse: Just extend your arm.  So 130 over 70 . Indeed your observations are better than yesterday.

Mary : If it is better today! why are you here? Something is wrong?

Safia: We have to understand why you have been sick for a few weeks whereas you have special medecine.

And to understand this, Blake has to take a blood sample. Have you ever had a blood test?

Mary :This is when you prick my arm with a needle and then a lot of blood goes out ?

Nurse : Yes indeed, but i don’t have to take a lot of blood, it will not be long. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure that it doesnt hurt you.  I will do it slowly. Are you ok with this?

Mary : NOOO! I'm afraid i don’t want IT, Last time it hurt me ! I’m a bit weary of blood test ! leave me alone !

Safia: Don’t worry Mary, it will be ok

Nurse : I swear it’is a piece of cake ! If you want, We can explain to you WHAT i’m going to do before the act? What do you think ?

Mary : Hum … Yepp i think i will be less worried after that

Safia: well… We need several things

Nurse :Look at the equipment and Try to find their names !

Mary : Mmmmh I dont know ...

Safia: Trust yourself. At the beginning, I didn’t know either!

Nurse : This thing is a tourniquet, it's really useful if I want to see your vein correctly because it makes them show up.


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