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Chronologie : HEALTH AND ECOLOGY. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Mai 2021  •  Chronologie  •  3 146 Mots (13 Pages)  •  429 Vues

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Business description        3

Description of products and services        5

SWOT        7


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  1. Business description

Nowadays, the Product we are consuming face many issues, most of the product we consume are using chemicals or synthetic product, it is due to companies whose project is to make the most money as possible by using any means to reduce their production cost and thus reducing the quality of their products. They don’t respect the environment, and the consumers are given unhealthy products. The demand for product of better quality is rising and we think that our product will find a niche place for customer that are willing to spend more for organic juice and also who wish to make a good deed for the environment.

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Monteverde our company has an innovative project which is “1 Bottle = 1 Tree”. This is our slogan and the core of our project, we will be producing juice, not one like any other, it will be 100% organic also, and it will be done so to respect the producer who are often paid too less for their products. But here is the main part, for each bottle our company will sell, a tree will be planted in the forest of Monteverde in Costa Rica. We hope to expand our project in the future, to reach other forests in the world that need help to fight deforestation. Our project follows the ecological trend that is constantly growing because people care more about the future of the planet than before. It is really innovative as only a handful of company have a project similar with ours. We are willing to bet on the success of this project because of the previously said growing trend in the consumption behavior and because we think that the international cause we are fighting for is worth it. With this company we hope to change the consumption behavior and help raising awareness of the danger we are for the environment if we keep consuming like we used to.

Our inspiration comes from Ecosia, it is another company who built a web search engine, and when someone search something on the internet using this search engine, they plant a tree in a reserve in the world. The project was a huge success with over 51 million of researches already, the same amount of tree planted, and over 7 million active users. They use the profit they make from adding advertising on the search engine to finance their project.

Following their example, we wish to build a community, with customers involved with our project and buying our products. The beginning of the activity will be most likely a charity without any return on the investment we made for the founding members. But we hope that our product breakthrough the market, and reach better sales so we can also later invest more on the project and also make some benefit.

Team presentation

Waldek Borowczak: BTS Assistant manager en alternance dans un cabinet de formation, Bachelor in ISC PARIS BUSINESS SCHOOL, with a lot of work with the sport industry in partnership. We can trust him to take care of the relationship between our company and the potential investors, and also with the companies that we will work with.

Jason LOUSSAN: Bachelor in ISC PARIS BUSINESS SCHOOL, knows his way in accounting, and finance, he also knows the processes of juice making because he had the opportunity to visit many juice producers in Tahiti. Really engaged in ecology and concerned about the planet’s well being

Xuan ru LI: Bachelor in ISC PARIS BUSINESS SCHOOL, he worked in many industries and is knowledgeable in production methods, laws in the production business and commercialization.  He is also familiar with medias and therefore know a lot about the different trend in different products or activities.

Hélène Xu: Bachelor in ISC PARIS BUSINESS SCHOOL, skillful in art and graphic images, she is a real asset to our company to make great visuals, making our brand appealing to others. She is knowledgeable in different marketing strategies and communication campaigns. We hope to make her our head of communication and marketing to help us build our brand image and fame.

  1. Description of product and services

The first product Monteverde will commercialize is a fruit juice, it is a first necessity product, studies show that the consumption of fruit juice in France is estimated over 1 billion 600 million liters per year. Our juice will be organic and the packaging will be recyclable. Juices is a product of first necessity almost every household have juices for their children or even adults so the demand is high. Customers tend to look for quality over price nowadays for these kinds of product, the trend is rising and we think that our product and the project we lead will attract consumers.        

We won’t be giving a large variety of flavors at the beginning it will be easier for our company to set up, and get people attention while aiming for a small niche of customers. We will start with the basics with pure orange juice, and also orange and apricot juice. These fruits will follow the integrated agriculture plan, this way the farmers who sustain us don’t have too much of a burden to grow organic fruits for a competitive price. We don’t want our providers to struggle while producing good quality fruit for a low income, we want to make sure every person working with us on the project win something from it. Organic specialized farmer from France and most likely near Lyon, are the suppliers we are looking for. We saw the price of the two fruits we want to start with at a base 1.03€/kg for the organic oranges, and a price of 2,63€/kg for the apricot.  

We want to build a good image for our company, it will the best way to attract the target consumers we are aiming for. This way our campaign can be trusted by our fellow craftsmen and our cause could spread and bring us visibility and fame.

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Of course, by selling our product, we also sell our project, one tree will be planted in Monteverde when a bottle is bought, so the consumers will also fund our project. It is the second “usage” our product gives to the customers; you have a product and a service towards the environment.  

Our product will aim for people with a bigger budget, the production of a high-quality product, and the project for the environment we sell, is something that can be more expensive than the average fruit juice. However, we know that the consumption of fruit juice is changing with people caring about their health and the quality of the products. The adults with children care a lot about the environmental issues, and also the health of their children.

The demand for these products is growing with a growth in volume of sales of 50% in 5 years in France, reaching 6,4% of the total of juices sales. It is an outstanding ratio when you compare to the global organic food sales which represent only 2,6% of the food sold in the world.


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