Lifestyle and health
Analyse sectorielle : Lifestyle and health. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Arnauld Cacharel • 8 Mai 2018 • Analyse sectorielle • 401 Mots (2 Pages) • 675 Vues
Recebt years the lifestyle is to made of mouvement. The race productivity and physical inactivity are becoming most widespread any strongly affect the human health. The remarks have permit to know that today the main cause of rising diseases. It is crucial to anderstand that the negative consequences of bad habit deviated does not more appear coming heavilly. Of therefore what impact our lifestyle on our health ?
- Lifestyle
The lifestyle is the way a person or a group of persons includes its live. The type of social relation, the way we consume, the way entertaning dessing. Lifestyle also reflets the attitude of an individual, his way the world in which he lives.
- Health
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely an absence of disease and infirmite.
- The negative impact
- The physical inactivity
Lifestyle harmful to health , physical inactivity is the most progress. Among the main element of risk of deseases (high blood pressure) physical inactivity is the factor most often meet. The experts showed it increases the risk of dying as a result of disease such as heart attack.
- The unstead balance deit and a unhealthy comportment
A lifestyle behavior can affect our health in the sense that exposure under the sun for example diving too can cause diseases such as skin cancer. The impact of lifestyle of unhealthy balance diet and the foods, we eat have a nagative impact when improperly. The unbalanced diet and lack of physical. Activity are at the origin other diseases such diabetes, cardio vascular risks that can result in death.
- Positive impact
- Sport activity, daily sports activity allows
The body to evacuate taxims and waste in the body and therefore allows the individual to acquire a health .
- Balances diet
Provides balanced diet, and the foods we eat influence our state of health. Shis therefore allows for good things to eat and avoid some food related diseases.
At the end of our expose, it should be remembered that the lifestyle impact of good and evil on our state of health. It is therefore necessary to have a healthy lifestyle in order to acquire a better health.