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Mondialisation dissertation

Dissertation : Mondialisation dissertation. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mars 2019  •  Dissertation  •  504 Mots (3 Pages)  •  699 Vues

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Good morning Sir and thank you for having me. My name is Auriane Kouassi, a final year student at Jules Verne International School. Today, I am here to talk about the notion of « Spaces and Exhanges ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. A space can be defined as a place, a geographical area, an extension , limited or unlimited, real or virtual and an exchange is the act of giving and receiving at the same moment. I am going to speak about the role of International Exhanges in today’s society. From that theme, we may wonder : To what extent does International Exchanges bring people together ? In my presentation , I aim to do two things : Firstly, I’ll show that International Trade permit to discover other cultures and then, bring people together and Secondly, I’ll show that migration permit to integrate many different communities.

Let’s start with the first point of my presentation which is the fact that International Trade permit to discover other cultures and then, bring people together. In fact, international trade manifests itself  though the system of « sell and buy », By selling products around the world , it leads to study different needs, different cultures. Furthermore, it even permit people to get interest in my own culture because of the product that I sell and all of this permit to bring people together to the extent that we’ll obligatory need to get in contact with other people, other cultures. For example, if I would like to sell a shoes in Korea, I’ll be lead to study their need to maybe know how to customize it and after that, get in contact with some Korean to sell my shoes. However, migration permit also to bring people together which lead us to the second point of my presentation.

In my second point, migration permit to integrate different communities. In fact, people from diferent countries move to another country to improve their lives. By doing it, they enter in a new community and relationize with many people. For instance, nowadays , in United States, we can find a Mexican girl who’s marry to an American or a friendship enter Chineeses and Americans. Furthermore, sometimes, they migrate together so it permit them to create their communities and share their habits with other people which permit to bring them together. For example, in United States, Spanish people have created « The Spanglish » which is a new way to speak , based on a mixing of Spanish and English and many Americans speak it .

I would like to finish off by summarizing the main points. That is : First, Internation Trade permit to discover differents cultures and bring people together and Second, Migration permit to integrate differents communities around the world.

It been a pleasure sharing this with you and thank you for your patience and interest in listening to me. If there are any questions for me , I am ready to answer them please.


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