English interview
Dissertation : English interview. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar BlackMoon • 28 Octobre 2018 • Dissertation • 251 Mots (2 Pages) • 499 Vues
- Helloooooo ! Today, we welcome miss Mellow, the creator of the Free Travel Day.
- Good morning, everybody !
- How are you ?
- I’m fine thank you and you ?
- I am so excited to hear about this so special day. Can you tell me more about the Free Travel Day ?
- It’s a day that the travel agencies offer free tickets for any destinations in any European countries.
- Well, it a shame, because I wanted to spend my holidays in Dubai.
- I’m so sorry but this event takes place only in Europe.
- What about the luggages conditions ?
- We have some restrictions about the weight of luggage. You are limited to 20 kg and 10kg for hand luggages.
- Are they also free ?
- You will have to pay 20€ for exceeded kilos.
- For when is this day planes ?
- Actually it would take place on 30th December from 1 am from 11 pm.
- Nice, and how did you get this idea ?
- The idea came after having reached that some people cannot afford travel.
- I think it's very kind of you.
- Thanks you but I’m not alone, the merit returns to the whole team.
- So we come to the end of this interview. Thank you so much for coming.
- you which are linsting us, you can participate on this day because it is official !
- You can travel for free anywhere !
- Be careful only in the European countries !
- So this is the end, thank you for listening.