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Physique chimie cours

Cours : Physique chimie cours. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Février 2020  •  Cours  •  361 Mots (2 Pages)  •  711 Vues

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Myths and heroes                             BUILD UP YOUR FIVE-MINUTE SPEECH

Central question: How does the cowboy embody American values?

  1. Introduction :

L’introduction doit être problématisée : il faut commencer la présentation en exposant la problématique et en identifiant le sujet. Annoncez un plan.

- What is a cowboy? Why is he a specific hero of the USA?

Introduire le sujet et la notion: a cowboy is an American figure who ……/ It raises the issue of ………

  1. Développement argumenté :


             - Why is the cowboy an ordinary hero?

             - What values does the cowboy embody?

             - How has the representation of the cowboy evolved?

             - How are the cowboy values transmitted?

Utilisez les documents étudiés et donnez des exemples précis pour construire votre discours :  the video entitled ……. shows that …. / We studied an article about ……..  / For example, for instance. Nuancez vos propos : even though / even if …..Soulignez les transitions : Nowadays, values are transmitted through …../ And yet values are still transmitted ……

  1. Conclusion:

        - Can cowboy values be spread abroad?

Formulez une synthèse : To conclude, In brief …….



Questions probables pendant l’entretien :

  1. Can an ordinary man or woman be a hero?
  2. Why is the cowboy a beloved figure in the USA?
  3. Do you like the cowboy culture? Why?
  4. Are cowboys role models?
  5. Do cowboys only advocate positive values? Why?
  6. Who do you admire? Who is your hero/your role model?
  7. Are the values transmitted by the cowboys American values only?
  8. Do you think that the values the cowboys advocate can make people be better?


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