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Cms electronics

Compte rendu : Cms electronics. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Décembre 2019  •  Compte rendu  •  342 Mots (2 Pages)  •  591 Vues

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cms electronics

Here I found important to mention some things before starting this report. The economic crisis of 2008 had a big impact on the SME's business not only because they had a decrease in their incomes, also because they had to make some decisions, like moving their business a foreign country. Despite this, the industry increased fast, more in the electronic and automotive sector. (Sternad, 2015)

As I mentioned, the biggest impact the crisis had, had been the move of some industries to the Asiatic continent. In 2012 the SME in China represented 50% of the total world production. This production took place between Shanghai and Shenzhen. (Sternad, 2015)

Before that, China was considered as a low hand cost but, this last years, the salary cost per people had increased. Also, it seems to be that the director of Flexitronics said that, even though the exportation is more expensive in China, the market in there is increasing a lot so, that means that it is a big opportunity to move to China.

Here I found important to mention some things before starting this report. The economic crisis of 2008 had a big impact on the SME's business not only because they had a decrease in their incomes, also because they had to make some decisions, like moving their business a foreign country. Despite this, the industry increased fast, more in the electronic and automotive sector. (Sternad, 2015)

As I mentioned, the biggest impact the crisis had, had been the move of some industries to the Asiatic continent. In 2012 the SME in China represented 50% of the total world production. This production took place between Shanghai and Shenzhen. (Sternad, 2015)

Before that, China was considered as a low hand cost but, this last years, the salary cost per people had increased. Also, it seems to be that the director of Flexitronics said that, even though the exportation is more expensive in China, the market in there is increasing a lot so, that means that it is a big opportunity to move to China.


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