How do you express your emotions?
Dissertation : How do you express your emotions?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar nirvametta • 17 Octobre 2021 • Dissertation • 318 Mots (2 Pages) • 456 Vues
1/ How do you express your emotions?
I am someone who tends to always do my best to express my emotions as much as possible, whether to others or to myself. Expressing your emotions helps you understanding yourself, whereas when we repress an emotion, we cannot understand ourselves and we will be not able to understand the other. Our feelings, whether good or bad, are here for a reason we shouldn’t ignore.
To express my emotion, I feel them fully and talk about them according to the context and those around me. However, when these emotions are negative, I don’t keep them to myself and don’t suppress them. On the contrary, I take time to myself and feel them completely before letting them go by crying or getting angry. Then I replace that bad feeling by trying to figure out why I felt it and how can I fix it.
2/ In what historical context do you live?
In France we live in a relatively diverse social context. Politically speaking, we find ourselves in a democratic republic where the state is secular.
We also live in a context where the internet is a continual part of our lives.
recently the corona virus appeared, modifying our way of life, by confining us for example.
3/ Is the expression of your feelings linked to the historical context in which you live or not ?
One the one hand I can answer that yes, the expression of my feelings is linked to the historical context in which I live, because we live in a society much more open-minded , especially on the female gender (compared to 200 years ago).
Nowadays, certain feelings that we experience such as love, have long been considered a shame to admit it out loud.
But on the other hand, the expression of feelings is also done in a personal way and varies from person to person.